This collection of articles by and about Mark Twain and his family was compiled by Barbara Schmidt, publisher of Included in the chronological listing are some of Twain’s short stories, speeches and letters, as they appeared in the New York Times from the first (May 1, 1867) up through 1924 (the most recent Public Domain year available). "Part One" of the collection includes articles that appeared from 1867 through 1879. The original microfiche articles are available at the New York Times "Time Machine" website: - Summary by John Greenman and Barbara Schmidt
May 1, 1867 - New Publications [Jumping Frog]May 7, 1867 - Mark Twain's Lecture [Sandwich Islands]June 9, 1867 - The Pleasure Excursion to Europe and Palestine - Sailing of the Quaker CityJuly 23, 1871 - A Real Church & A New Beecher ChurchJanuary 25, 1872 - Mark Twain's Lecture [''Roughing It'']November 26, 1872 - Perils of the SeaFebruary 6, 1873 - Mark Twain's Lecture on the Sandwich Islands [Review]June 11, 1873 - Mark Twain - An Interesting Question in Trade-Mark - The ''Innocent'' at LawJune 12, 1873 - Mark Twain's Suit - He Obtains a Permanent InjunctionSeptember 17, 1874 - Amusements [Review of performance of ''The Gilded Age'']November 29, 1874 - Sociable JimmyDecember 24, 1874 - Amusements - The 100th Representation of ''The Gilded Age''April 29, 1875 - Proposed Shakespeare MemorialOctober 1, 1875 - A Persistent BeggarDecember 9, 1875 - Mark Twain’s ContributionMarch 19, 1876 - Mark Twain on St. PatrickOctober 2, 1876 - Mark Twain in PoliticsOctober 29, 1876 - Mark Twain Compliments Postmaster JamesDecember 23, 1876 - Forefather’s Day - Speech of Mr. Samuel Clemens: ''The Oldest Inhabitant-The Weather''January 13, 1877 - Unsigned book review for Tom SawyerJune 17, 1877 - Mark Twain [How he got his name]August 1, 1877 - Amusements - Fifth-Avenue TheatreSeptember 20, 1877 - Mark Twain’s ''Tramp'' of The SeaOctober 7, 1877 - Mark Twain’s War ExperiencesDecember 20, 1877 - Twain at the Whittier DinnerApril 12,1878 - The Start for GermanyApril 11, 1879 - Too Late for Roger McPherson - Mark Twain Apologizes for Not making a speechSeptember 3, 1879 - Mark Twain Home AgainOctober 19, 1879 - ''The Innocents'' in Elmira & Patriotic Letter from Mark TwainNovember 15, 1879 - Banquet of the Army of the TennesseeNovember 26, 1879 - How His Time is WastedDecember 14, 1879 - The Postal Order Again
Mark Twain in the New York Times, Part One (1867-1879) - Mark Twain - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at