The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the first volume, 53 short stories and poems have been gathered from 44 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)
ForwardMelonsDeacon's Masterpiece, ThePurple Cow, TheCurse of the Competent, TheGrammatical Boy, TheSimple EnglishPartingtonian PatchworkMenagerie, TheDown Around the RiverMedieval Discoverer, AWanted - A CookSimilar CasesOld Maid's House: In Plan, TheDistichsQuarrel, TheLetter From Mr. Biggs, AMrs. JohnsonPassTeaching By ExampleWhen Albani SangColonel Sterett's Panther HuntWouter Van TwillerExperiences of the A.C., TheWhat Mr. Robinson ThinksDay We Do Not Celebrate, TheYankee Dude'll Do, TheSpelling Down the MasterMyopiaAnatole Dubois At De Horse ShowChampion Checker - Player of Ameriky, TheDarby and JoanWhen the Frost is on the PunkinLaffingGrizzly-GruJohn Henry in a Street CarMuskeeter, TheTurnings of a Bookworm, TheFeast of the Monkeys, TheBillville Spirit Meeting, TheCry From the Consumer, ADisappointment, ABritish Matron, TheTragedy of it, TheStage WhispersPettibone Lineage, TheWhy Moles Have HandsPsalm of Life, AAn Odyssey of K'sDeacon's Trout, TheEnoughFighting Race, TheOrgan, TheMy Grandmother's Turkey-Tail Fan
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