History - a genre of audiobooks on the website knigi-audio.com/en/. Page - 13
In Memoriam - Ewart Alan MACKINTOSH

In Memoriam - Ewart Alan MACKINTOSH
- Author: Ewart Alan MACKINTOSH
- Genre: Poetry / Multi-version (Weekly and Fortnightly poetry) / History
LibriVox volunteers bring you 18 recordings of In Memoriam by Ewart Alan Mackintosh. This was the Weekly Poetry project for November 7th, 2010. This week's poem has been chosen for this time of remembrance. Lieutenant Ewart Alan Mackintosh M.C. was...
Historical Tales, Vol IV: English - Charles McLean Andrews

Historical Tales, Vol IV: English - Charles McLean Andrews
- Author: Charles McLean Andrews
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History
Volume IV of a series containing anecdotes and stories, some well-known, others less so, of particular countries. This fourth volume covers the history of England from its conversion to Christianity up to the reign of Queen Victoria, describing...
Idle Hours In A Library - William Henry HUDSON

Idle Hours In A Library - William Henry HUDSON
- Author: William Henry HUDSON
- Genre: Essays & Short Works / History
“[these essays on Shakespeare, Pepys, Restoration novels, and bohemianism]—the results of many hours of quiet but rather aimless browsing among books, and not of special investigations, undertaken with a view to definite scholastic ends. They are,...
United Kingdom House of Lords Speeches Collection - Various

United Kingdom House of Lords Speeches Collection - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History / Political Science
This collection comprises recordings of seven historic speeches given to the UK House of Lords between 1641 and 1945. Readings are of speeches origninally given by the 1st Earl of Strafford (Thomas Wentworth), the 1st Earl of Chatham (William Pitt...
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. I - Edward Gibbon

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. I - Edward Gibbon
- Author: Edward Gibbon
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a major literary achievement of the 18th century published in six volumes, was written by the celebrated English historian Edward Gibbon. Volume I was published in 1776, and went through six...
The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775 - Abraham TOMLINSON

The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775 - Abraham TOMLINSON
- Author: Abraham TOMLINSON
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History
"Perceiving that much of the intrinsic value of these Journals would consist in a proper understanding of the historical facts to which allusions are made in them, I prevailed upon Mr. LOSSING, the well-known author of the "_Pictorial Field-Book of...
History of the Conquest of Mexico - William H. PRESCOTT

History of the Conquest of Mexico - William H. PRESCOTT
- Author: William H. PRESCOTT
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History
(Note: This project had some missing and duplicate sections. This has been corrected as of July 9, 2010. The affected sections were 12, 13, 27, 28, 33, & 34.) Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold, And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;...
A Popular History of the Art of Music - W. S. B. MATHEWS

A Popular History of the Art of Music - W. S. B. MATHEWS
- Author: W. S. B. MATHEWS
- Genre: History / Music
Preface by W.S.B. Mathews: I have here endeavored to provide a readable account of the entire history of the art of music, within the compass of a single small volume, and to treat the luxuriant and many-sided later development with the...
Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt - Gaston Maspero

Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt - Gaston Maspero
- Author: Gaston Maspero
- Genre: History / Science
A handbook of Egyptian archaeology, issued by the British Museum, considered suitable for British tourists traveling to Egypt in the 19th Century. (Introduction by Timothy Ferguson)...
The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 5, Chapter 23) - Thomas Babington Macaulay

The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 5, Chapter 23) - Thomas Babington Macaulay
- Author: Thomas Babington Macaulay
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History
This is volume 5 chapter 23 of a series of books written by the Baron Macaulay (1800-1859) and published after his death. To quote from the preface - 'I HAVE thought it right to publish that portion of the continuation of the "History of England"...
Columbus - Joaquin MILLER

Columbus - Joaquin MILLER
- Author: Joaquin MILLER
- Genre: Multi-version (Weekly and Fortnightly poetry) / History / Exploration
This week, to celebrate Columbus Day, LibriVox volunteers bring you six recordings of Columbus by Joaquin Miller. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of October 8th, 2006....
Kepler - Walter W. BRYANT

Kepler - Walter W. BRYANT
- Author: Walter W. BRYANT
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Biography & Autobiography / History
This biography of Johannes Kepler begins with an account of what the world of astronomy was like before his time, then proceeds to a look at his early years. Two chapters deal with his working relationship with Tycho Brahe. These are followed by a...
The Life of Charlemagne (Einhard) - EINHARD

The Life of Charlemagne (Einhard) - EINHARD
- Author: EINHARD
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History
Einhard was employed by Charlemagne as a court historian. At the request of Charlemagne's son and successor Louis the Pious, he wrote a biography of Charlemagne, the Vita Karoli Magni or Life of Charlemagne (c. 817–830), which provides much direct...
The Chronicles of America Volume 03 - Elizabethan Sea-Dogs - William Wood

The Chronicles of America Volume 03 - Elizabethan Sea-Dogs - William Wood
- Author: William Wood
- Genre: History
Citizen, colonist, pioneer! These three words carry the history of the United States back to its earliest form in 'the New World called America.' But who prepared the way for the pioneers from the Old World and what assured their safety in the New?...
Beacon Lights of History, Vol 8: Great Rulers - John Lord

Beacon Lights of History, Vol 8: Great Rulers - John Lord
- Author: John Lord
- Genre: History / Political Science
Volume 8 of the Beacon Lights of History focuses on the great rulers of the ages. In this work, Lord discusses Alfred the Great, Queen Elizabeth, Henry of Navarre, Gustavus Adolphus, Richelieu, Cromwell, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Peter the Great and...
History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 4 - Henry Charles Lea

History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 4 - Henry Charles Lea
- Author: Henry Charles Lea
- Genre: History / Christianity - Other
The fourth and final volume of Lea's monumental work on the Spanish Inquisition. This volume discusses how the Inquisition dealt with mysticism, solicitation of illicit relationships, bigamy, theological propositions, witchcraft and sorcery,...
Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, Volumes I & II - Lucy Aikin

Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, Volumes I & II - Lucy Aikin
- Author: Lucy Aikin
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Biography & Autobiography / History
Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth from a variety of sources within the monarch's court, compiled and interpreted by Lucy Aikin. (Summary by Cathy Barratt)...
Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 006 - Various

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 006 - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History / Nature
A collection of fifteen short nonfiction works in the public domain. The essays, speeches and reports included in this collection were independently selected by the readers, and the topics encompass history, politics, medicine, nature and religion....
The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 4, Chapter 22) - Thomas Babington Macaulay

The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 4, Chapter 22) - Thomas Babington Macaulay
- Author: Thomas Babington Macaulay
- Genre: War & Military / History / Christianity - Other
This is volume 4 chapter 22 of a series of books written by the Baron Macaulay (1800-1859) in the 19th century. It starts with a brief resume of the history of England up until the Stuart kings and then starts to delve into a little more detail....
Hero Tales from American History (version 2) - Theodore Roosevelt

Hero Tales from American History (version 2) - Theodore Roosevelt
- Author: Theodore Roosevelt
- Genre: General / History
The purpose of this book "is to tell in simple fashion the story of some Americans who showed that they knew how to live and how to die; who proved their truth by their endeavor; and who joined to the stern and manly qualities which are essential to...