Historian Wilbur F. Gordy presents short chapters on well-known American figures from the viewpoint of the early twentieth century, including explorers, political leaders, military figures and inventors. - Summary by Larry Wilson
PrefaceChristopher Columbus and the Discovery Of America 1436-1506Hernando De Soto and the Discovery of the Mississippi 1500-1542Sir Walter Raleigh and the First English Attempts to Colonize America 1552-1618John Smith and the Settlement of Jamestown 1579-1631Nathaniel Bacon and the Uprising of the People in Virginia in 1676 1647-1676Miles Standish and the Pilgrims 1584-1656Roger Williams and the Puritans 1599-1683William Penn and the Settlement of Pennsylvania 1644-1718Cavelier De La Salle and the French in the Mississippi Valley 1643-1687George Washington, the Boy Surveyor and Young Soldier 1732-1799James Wolfe, the Hero of 1727-1759Patrick Henry and the Stamp Act 1736-1799Samuel Adams and the Boston Tea Party 1722-1803Paul Revere and the Battle of Concord and Lexington 1735-1818Benjamin Franklin and Aid from France 1706-1790George Washington, the Virginia Planter and the Revolutionary Soldier 1732-1799Nathaniel Greene, the Hero of the South, and Francis Marion, the ''Swamp Fox,'' 1742-1786Daniel Boone, the Kentucky Pioneer 1735-1820Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase 1743-1826Robert Fulton and the Steamboat, Fulton 1765-1815Andrew Jackson, the Upholder of the Union 1767-1845Daniel Webster, the Defender and Expounder of the Constitution 1782-1852Samuel Finley Breese Morse and the Electric Telegraph 1791-1872Abraham Lincoln, the Liberator of the Slaves 1809-1865Ulysses Simpson Grant and the Civil War 1822-1885Some Leaders and Heroes in the War with Spain 1898-1899
American Leaders and Heroes - Wilbur F. Gordy - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/