Audio Books » Historical Fiction » Страница 23

Historical Fiction - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 23

The Castle of Twilight - Margaret Horton Potter
The Castle of Twilight - Margaret Horton Potter Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Castle of Twilight - Margaret Horton Potter Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Castle of Twilight - Margaret Horton Potter
"Wistfully I deliver up to you my simple story, knowing that the first suggestion of “historical novel” will bring before you an image of dreary woodenness and unceasing carnage. Yet if you will have the graciousness but to unlock my castle door you...
Lady Connie - Mary Augusta Ward
Lady Connie - Mary Augusta Ward Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Lady Connie - Mary Augusta Ward Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Lady Connie - Mary Augusta Ward
Constance Bledlow is a beautiful monied 20 year old with the world at her feet. She arrives in Oxford to spend a few months with her impoverished uncle, a University reader, and his family. She conquers Oxford society and sets many hearts aflame,...
The Perfect Tribute - Mary Raymond Shipman ANDREWS
The Perfect Tribute - Mary Raymond Shipman ANDREWS Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Perfect Tribute - Mary Raymond Shipman ANDREWS Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Perfect Tribute - Mary Raymond Shipman ANDREWS
Part 1 of this brief historical fiction is a recounting of the day before and the day of Lincoln's delivery of The Gettysburg Address. Part 2 is an imagining of the late afternoon of the following day. It is a moving tale that illustrates once again...
Marie Antoinette and Her Son - Luise Mühlbach
Marie Antoinette and Her Son - Luise Mühlbach Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Marie Antoinette and Her Son - Luise Mühlbach Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Marie Antoinette and Her Son - Luise Mühlbach
Marie Antoinette lives a happy life in a glittering court as Queen of France, but that soon changes as the revolution begins. Her son is Louis Charles, and his whole life changes with the death of his parents. But, that life is not what the people...
Tales of a Vanishing River - Earl Reed
Tales of a Vanishing River - Earl Reed Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Tales of a Vanishing River - Earl Reed Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Tales of a Vanishing River - Earl Reed
  • Author: Earl Reed
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
The background of this collection of sketches and stories is the country through which flowed one of the most interesting of our western rivers before its destruction as a natural waterway. This book is not a history. It is intended as an...
Consuelo - George SAND
Consuelo - George SAND Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Consuelo - George SAND Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Consuelo - George SAND
  • Author: George SAND
  • Genre: Historical Fiction / Published 1800 -1900
This roman à clef follows the musical adventures of Consuelo, a gifted singer under the tutelage of the composer Nicola Porpora. After encountering betrayal in her home city of Venice, she goes to stay with a family of nobles in an isolated castle...
The Conquest - Oscar Micheaux
The Conquest - Oscar Micheaux Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Conquest - Oscar Micheaux Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Conquest - Oscar Micheaux
"This is the true story of a negro who was discontented and the circumstances that were the outcome of that discontent." While considered a novel, this largely autobiographical story is based on the author's experience as an African-American pioneer...
The Inheritance - Susan Edmonstoune FERRIER
The Inheritance - Susan Edmonstoune FERRIER Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Inheritance - Susan Edmonstoune FERRIER Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Inheritance - Susan Edmonstoune FERRIER
"As the noblest attribute of man, family pride had been cherished time immemorial by the noble race of Rossville. Deep and incurable, therefore, was the wound inflicted on all its members by the marriage of the honorable Thomas St. Clair, the...
Rose Mather: A Tale - Mary Jane HOLMES
Rose Mather: A Tale - Mary Jane HOLMES Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Rose Mather: A Tale - Mary Jane HOLMES Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Rose Mather: A Tale - Mary Jane HOLMES
Fiction merges with history in this novel taking place during the turbulent times of the civil war and the horrors it entailed. Holme's silly, coquettish yet kind-hearted Rose will pull you in from the start. The sweet and pious Annie, the noble Tom...
The Marie Antoinette Romances, Vol 1: Balsamo, The Magician - Alexandre Dumas
The Marie Antoinette Romances, Vol 1: Balsamo, The Magician - Alexandre Dumas Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Marie Antoinette Romances, Vol 1: Balsamo, The Magician - Alexandre Dumas Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Marie Antoinette Romances, Vol 1: Balsamo, The Magician - Alexandre Dumas
  • Author: Alexandre Dumas
  • Genre: Historical Fiction / Suspense / Espionage / Political & Thrillers
This is the first volume of Dumas' Marie Antoinette Romances (also called "The Memoirs of a Physician"). This historical fiction chronicles the strange events surrounding the fall of the French monarchy (starting ~1770) and rise of revolutionaries...
In Old Plantation Days - Paul Laurence Dunbar
In Old Plantation Days - Paul Laurence Dunbar Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
In Old Plantation Days - Paul Laurence Dunbar Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
In Old Plantation Days - Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • Author: Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • Genre: Culture & Heritage Fiction / Historical Fiction / Short Stories
With this collection of short stories, Dunbar sought to draw on the success of his dialect poems by recreating and portraying the southern plantation during slavery. The stories focus on the stereotypical portrait of slaves as obedient workers happy...
The Astonishing History of Troy Town - Sir Arthur Thomas QUILLER-COUCH
The Astonishing History of Troy Town - Sir Arthur Thomas QUILLER-COUCH Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Astonishing History of Troy Town - Sir Arthur Thomas QUILLER-COUCH Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Astonishing History of Troy Town - Sir Arthur Thomas QUILLER-COUCH
A humorous story about some of the extraordinary inhabitants of a British seaside town. - Summary by Simon Evers...
The Forest Lovers - Maurice Henry HEWLETT
The Forest Lovers - Maurice Henry HEWLETT Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Forest Lovers - Maurice Henry HEWLETT Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Forest Lovers - Maurice Henry HEWLETT
  • Author: Maurice Henry HEWLETT
  • Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction / Historical Fiction / Published 1800 -1900
My story will take you into times and spaces alike rude and uncivil. Blood will be spilt, virgins suffer distresses; the horn will sound through woodland glades; dogs, wolves, deer, and men, Beauty and the Beasts, will tumble each other, seeking...
The Blind Brother (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Homer Greene
The Blind Brother (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Homer Greene Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Blind Brother (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Homer Greene Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Blind Brother (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Homer Greene
  • Author: Homer Greene
  • Genre: Dramatic Readings / Historical Fiction
A story of repentance and forgiveness set in the times of the the coal mines. Follow a blind boy and his brother determined to get him cured but also determined to live up to a moral code even if that mean years of blindness for Benny. See self...
Prince and Heretic - Marjorie Bowen
Prince and Heretic - Marjorie Bowen Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Prince and Heretic - Marjorie Bowen Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Prince and Heretic - Marjorie Bowen
This novel is centered on the Dutch House of Orange, and begins with its prince, William. It is set in the time of the Holy Inquisition, when tensions between the Catholic and Protestant churches dominated....
The Chimney Corner - Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Chimney Corner - Harriet Beecher Stowe Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Chimney Corner - Harriet Beecher Stowe Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Chimney Corner - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Stowe wrote over 30 books. This one is a fascinating collection of her post Civil War musings on a variety of cultural topics, staged mostly as conversations between Christopher Crowfield (Stowe's masculine nome de plume), and his wife, their son...
The Garies and their Friends - Frank Webb
The Garies and their Friends - Frank Webb Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Garies and their Friends - Frank Webb Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Garies and their Friends - Frank Webb
  • Author: Frank Webb
  • Genre: Culture & Heritage Fiction / Family Life / Historical Fiction
The book which now appears before the public may be of interest in relation to a question which the late agitation of the subject of slavery has raised in many thoughtful minds, viz. — Are the race at present held as slaves capable of freedom,...
The Rough Road - William John Locke
The Rough Road - William John Locke Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Rough Road - William John Locke Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Rough Road - William John Locke
The book tells the story of "Doggie" Trevor, who, having been wrapped in cotton wool since babyhood, becomes a snobbish rich dilettante. All this changes as World War I begins and Doggie takes a commission in the Army – with near disastrous results....
The Magnificent Adventure (Version 2) - Emerson Hough
The Magnificent Adventure (Version 2) - Emerson Hough Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Magnificent Adventure (Version 2) - Emerson Hough Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Magnificent Adventure (Version 2) - Emerson Hough
  • Author: Emerson Hough
  • Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction / Historical Fiction
In The Magnificent Adventure-Being the Story of the World's Greatest Exploration and the Romance of a Very Gallant Gentleman, by Emerson Hough, the author takes us back to the dawning years of the United States of America. To the time of the...
Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police - A Tale of the Macleod Trail - Ralph Connor
Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police - A Tale of the Macleod Trail - Ralph Connor Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police - A Tale of the Macleod Trail - Ralph Connor Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police - A Tale of the Macleod Trail - Ralph Connor
  • Author: Ralph Connor
  • Genre: Historical Fiction / Christian Fiction
Cameron, a young man from Edinburgh, is a university student who is a rising star on the football team. When the big day comes and he nearly fails his team, he doubts he'll ever be good for anything ever again. Things soon take a turn downward and...