PrefacePart I: ''The Night is Far Spent.'' - Chapter I: The Vision on the HousetopChapter II: In the House of JudasChapter III: The SoothsayerChapter IV: Three Princes and a SlaveChapter V: In the Desert of SinaiChapter VI: The Recluse of CapraeChapter VII: The Rose of LebanonChapter VIII: A Forbidden VisitChapter IX: In the Temple of BaalChapter X: The Physician and the EmporerChapter XI: The Master of the WorldChapter XII: The Chosen and the AccursedChapter XIII: Saul in JerusalemChapter XIV: HerodiasChapter XV: Caius, the GodChapter XVI: The Colossus of SidonChapter XVII: The MediatorChapter XVIII: The End of the PlayChapter XIX: InterregnumChapter XX: Claudius CaesarPart II: ''The Day is at Hand.'' - Chapter XXI: An EpistleChapter XXII: A Boatman of AntiochChapter XXIII: The King of the JewsChapter XXIV: A Strong DelivererChapter XXV: RetributionChapter XXVI: Sent ForthChapter XXVII: A Light of the GentilesChapter XXVIII: A Messenger of the Most HighChapter XXIX: The Calling of TimothyChapter XXX: From Jerusalem to GalatiaChapter XXXI: In PhilippiChapter XXXII: A Stranger in AthensChapter XXXIII: The Tent-MakerChapter XXXIV: A Business Man of EphesusChapter XXXV: Great Diana of the EphesiansPart III: ''An Ambassador in Bonds.'' - Chapter XXXVI: ''Despised and Rejected''Chapter XXXVII: A Promise and a VowChapter XXXVIII: Paul and FelixChapter XXXIX: ''Caesarem Appello!''Chapter XL: On the Way to RomeChapter XLI: ''Ready to be Offered''
Paul: A Herald of the Cross - Florence Morse Kingsley - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at