Set in late 1600's England, the story follows the life of a woman living an unconventional life. The loves of her life and all of its ups and downs are included. (Summary by Linda Andrus)
00 - Preface01 - Chapter I -- The twenty-fourth day of November 169002 - Chapter II -- In which Sir Jeoffry encounters his offspring03 - Chapter III -- Wherein Sir Jeoffry's boon companions drink a toast04 - Chapter IV -- Lord Twemlow's chaplain visits his patron's kinsman, and Mistress Clorinda shines on her birthday night05 - Chapter V -- 'Not I,' said she. 'There thou mayst trust me. I would not be found out.'06 - ChapterVI -- Relating how Mistress Anne discovered a miniature07 - Chapter VII -- 'Twas the face of Sir John Oxon the moon shone upon08 - Chapter VIII -- Two meet in the deserted rose garden, and the old Earl of Dunstanwolde is made a happy man09 -Chapter IX -- 'I give to him the thing he craves with all his soul -- myself'10 - Chapter X -- 'Yes -- I have marked him'11 - Chapter XI -- Wherein a noble life comes to an end12 - Chapter XII -- Which treats of the obsequies of my Lord of Dunstanwolde, of his lady's widowhood, and of her return to town13 - Chapter XIII -- Wherein a deadly war begins14 - Chapter XIV -- Containing the history of the breaking of the horse Devil, and relates the returning of his Grace of Osmonde from France15 - Chapter XV -- In which Sir John Oxon finds again a trophy he had lost16 - Chapter XVI -- Dealing with that which was done in the Panelled Parlour17 - Chapter XVII -- Wherein his Grace of Osmonde's courier arrives from France18 - Chapter XVIII -- My Lady Dunstanwolde sits late alone and writes19 - Chapter XIX -- A piteous story is told, and the old cellars walled in20 - Chapter XX -- A noble marriage21 - Chapter XXI -- An heir is born22 - Chapter XXII -- Mother Anne23 - Chapter XXIII -- 'In One who will do justice, and demands that it shall be done to each thing He has made, by each who bears His image'24 - Chapter XXIV -- The doves sate upon the window-ledge and lowly cooed and cooed
A Lady of Quality - Frances Hodgson Burnett - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at