Audio Books » Gothic Fiction » Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf - George W. M. REYNOLDS
Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf - George W. M. REYNOLDS Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf - George W. M. REYNOLDS

Wagner is a poor, lonely old shepherd living on the edge of the Black Forest. In a devil's pact he gains youth and wealth for the price of transforming into a ravenous wolf once a month. This book contains everything from murder, kidnap, robbery, sadistic nuns and lust to war in sixteenth century Italy. Originally published in a serialised form, this penny dreadful is definitely not a piece of fine literature, but is hopefully entertaining.
This book contains racial and other prejudices that were once commonplace. They are retained, as originally written in this recording, because to do otherwise would be to deny they existed. - Summary by clarinetcarrot
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PART 1: PrologueChapter I: The Death-Bed—The Oath—The Last InjunctionsChapter II: Nisida—The Mysterious ClosetChapter III: The Manuscript—Flora FrancatelliChapter IV: The Funeral—The Interruption of the CeremonyChapter V: The Reading of the WillChapter VI: The Pictures—Agnes and the Unknown—MysteryChapter VII: RevelationsChapter VIII: The History of AgnesChapter IX: Conclusions of the History of AgnesChapter X: Francisco, Wagner and NisidaChapter XI: Nisida and Wagner—Francisco and Flora—The Approach of SunsetChapter XII: The Wehr-WolfChapter XIII: Nisida's Emotions—The Disguise—The PlotChapter XIV: The Last Meeting of Agnes and the Stranger LadyChapter XV: The Sbirri—The ArrestChapter XVI: Nisida and the Carmelite AbbessChapter XVII: Wagner in Prison—A VisitorChapter XVIII: Flora Francatelli—The Three Nuns—The ChairChapter XIX: The Descent—The Chamber of PenitenceChapter XX: Francisco and Nisida—Dr. Duras and the LetterChapter XXI: The Suburb of Alla Croce—The Jew—The Robber Chief's LoveChapter XXII: The Countess of ArestinoChapter XXIII: The Love of Woman—Giulia and her LoverChapter XXIV: The Injured Husband—The Guilty Wife—And the Insolent LoverChapter XXV: The Marquis of OrsiniChapter XXVI: A Combat—The Despised and Persecuted IsraeliteChapter XXVII: Stephano and the Marquis—The Stronghold of the BandittiChapter XXVIII: A Fearful AccusationChapter XXIX: The Visit of the Banditti to the Riverola PalaceChapter XXX: Flora's Captivity—A Companion—The Living TombChapter XXXI: The BandittiChapter XXXII: The Mystery of the Chair—The CatastropheChapter XXXIII: Lomellino's Escape—Stephano's IntentionsChapter XXXIV: The AbductionChapter XXXV: Wagner and the Tempter—PhantasmagoriaChapter XXXVI: The Trial of Fernand WagnerChapter XXXVII: The ShipwreckChapter XXXVIII: The Island in the Mediterranean SeaChapter XXXIX: The Wehr-WolfChapter XL: Wagner in Search of NisidaChapter XLI: The Island QueenChapter XLII: The Temptation—The AnacondaChapter XLIII: Nisida and WagnerChapter XLIV: Alessandro FrancatelliPART 2: Chapter XLV: The Lady of ConstantinopleChapter XLVI: The Apostate IbrahimChapter XLVII: The Seige of RhodesChapter XLVIII: The PrisonerChapter XLIX: The New Grand VizierChapter L: The Count of Arestino—The Plot ThickensChapter LI: The MeetingChapter LII: The Greek Page—Song of the Greek Page—A RevelationChapter LIII: The Sultana Valida—The Three Black Slaves: part 1Chapter LIII: The Sultana Valida—The Three Black Slaves: part 2Chapter LIVChapter LVChapter LVI: part 1Chapter LVI: part 2Chapter LVII: part 1Chapter LVII: part 2Chapter LVIIIChapter LIXChapter LX: part 1Chapter LX: part 2Chapter LXIChapter LXII: The Sick-Room—Florence in DismayChapter LXIII: The Manuscript: part 1Chapter LXIII: The Manuscript: part 2Chapter LXIII: The Manuscript: part 3Chapter LXIV
Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf - George W. M. REYNOLDS - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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