An entertaining history for "young folks", covering the history of Germany from the ancient tribes of pre-Roman times to Wilhelm I (1870-1877). - Summary by Kara
The Ancient GermansValhallThe Germans and Romans. B.C. 60 - A.D. 400The Nibelonig HeroesThe Franks. 496 - 765Karl the Great. 768 - 814Ludwig I., the Pious, 814 - 840, to Ludwig IV., the Child. 899 - 912Konrad I., 912 - 917, to Otto I., the Great. 936 - 973The Saxon Emperors. 973 - 1024The Franconian Line. 1024 - 1114Lothar II. 1125 - 1137. Konrad III. 1137 - 1152Friedrich I., Barbarossa. 1157 - 1178Friedrich I., Barbarossa. 1174 - 1189. Heinrich VI. 1189-1197Philip. 1198 - 1208. Otto IV. 1209 - 1218Friedrich II. 1218Friedrich II. 1250Konrad IV., 1250 - 1254, to Richard. 1256 - 1257Rodolf. 1278Adolf. 1291 - 1298. Albrecht. 1298Heinrich VII. 1308 - 1313. Ludwig V. 1313 - 1347Gunther. 1347 - 1347. Karl IV 1347 - 1378Wenzel. 1378 - 1400Ruprecht, 1400 - 1410, to Siegmund. 1411Albrecht II. 1438 - 1440. Friedrich III. 1440 - 1482Friedrich III. 1482 - 1493Maximilian. 1493 - 1519Charles V. 1519 - 1529Charles V. 1530 - 1535Charles V. 1535Ferdinand I. 1556 - 1564Maximilian II. 1564Rudolf II. 1576 - 1612Matthias. 1612 - 1619The Revolt in Bohemia - Ferdinand II. 1619 - 1621Gustav Adolf and Wallenstein - Ferdinand II. 1621 - 1634Ferdinand II. 1634 - 1637. Ferdinand III. 1637The Siege of Vienna - Leopold I. 1657 - 1687War of the Succession - Leopold I. 1635 - 1705Joseph I. 1705 - 1711Karl VI. 1711 - 1740Karl VII. 1740Franz I. 1745 - 1765Joseph II. 1765 - 1790Leopold II. 1790 - 1792Franz II. 1792Franz II. 1804 - 1806French Conquests - Interregnum. 1807 - 1815Interregnum. 1815 - 1835Interregnum. 1848Wilhelm I. 1870 - 1877
Young Folks' History of Germany - Charlotte Mary Yonge - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at