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The Great Stone of Sardis - Frank R. Stockton

The home of Roland Clewe, a small house plainly furnished, but good enough for a bachelor's quarters, stood not half a mile from the station, and near it were the extensive buildings which he called his Works. Here were laboratories, large machine-shops in which many men were busy at all sorts of strange contrivances in metal and other materials; and besides other small edifices there was a great round tower --like structure, with smooth iron walls thirty feet high and without windows, and which was lighted and ventilated from the top. This was Clewe's special workshop; and besides old Samuel Block and such workmen as were absolutely necessary and could be trusted, few people ever entered it but himself. The industries in the various buildings were diverse, some of them having no apparent relation to the others. Each of them was expected to turn out something which would revolutionize something or other in this world, but it was to his lens-house that Roland Clewe gave, in these days, his special attention. Here a great enterprise was soon to begin, more important in his eyes than anything else which had engaged human endeavor. . . .
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The Arrival of the Euterpe-ThaliaThe Sardis WorksMargaret RaleighThe Mission of Samuel BlockUnder WaterVoices from the Polar SeasGood News Goes from SardisThe Devil on the DipseyThe Artesian Ray'Lake Shiver'They Believe it is the Polar SeaCaptain Hubbell Takes ComandLongitude EverythingA Region ofNothingnessThe Automatic ShellThe Track of the ShellCaptain Hubbell Declines to go WhalingMr. Marcy's CanalThe Icy Gateway'This Is How I Love You'The Cave of LightClewe's TheoryThe Last Dive of the DipseyRovinski Comes to the SurfaceLaurels
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