Fleda Ringan is an 11 year old orphan who lives with her grandfather in Queechy, Vermont. After a tragic incident, Fleda has to live with her aunt in Paris, Mrs. Rossiter. She travels to Paris under the care of young Mr. Carleton and his mother, a rich Englishwomen. Every young man who meets Fleda loves her, but she adores only Mr. Carleton. Once Fleda's aunt Mrs. Rossiter looses all her money, they return to America where Fleda learns to farm and cook to support her family. Mr. Carleton is always around to help out but never utters a word about love to Fleda.(Summary by Abigail Rasmussen)
01 - Curtain Rises at Queechy02 - Things Loom Out Dimly Through the Smoke03 - You Amuse Me and I'll Amuse You04 - Aunt Miriam05 - As to Whether a Flower Can Grow in the Woods06 - Queechy at Dinner07 - The Curtain Falls Upon the Scene08 - The Fairy Leaves the House09 - How Mr. Carleton Happened to Be Not at Home10 - The Fairy and the Englishman11 - A Little Candle12 - Spars Below13 - The Fairy Peeps into an English House, but Does Not Stay There14 - Two Bibles in Paris15 - Very Literary16 - Dissolving View - Ending with a Saw-Mill in the Distance17 - Rain and Water - Cresses for Breakfast18 - Mr. Rossitur's Wits Sharpened upon a Ploughshare19 - Fleda Goes After Help and Finds Dr. Quackenboss20 - Society in Queechy21 - 'The Sweetness of a Man's Friend by a Hearty Counsel'22 - Wherein a Great Many People Pay Their Respects in Form and Substance23 - The Captain Out-Generalled by the Fairy24 - A Breath of the World at Queechy25 - 'As Good a Boy as You Need to Have'26 - Pine Knots27 - Sweet - In Its Consequences28 - The Brook's Old Song - And the New29 - Flighty and Unsatisfactory30 - Disclosures - By Mr. Skillcorn31 - Mr. Olmney's Cause Argued32 - Sometimes Inconvenient 'From the Loophole of Retreat to Peep at Such a World'33 - Fleda's White Muslin34 - How the Fairy Engaged the Two Englishmen35 - Fleda Forgets Herself36 - The Roses and the Gentlemen37 - 'An Unseen Enemy Round the Corner'38 - The Fairy at Her Work Again39 - A Night of Uncertain Length40 - A Thorn Enters41 - Dealings with the Press42 - Ends with Sweet Music43 - How Fleda Was Watched by Blue Eyes44 - What Pleasant People One Meets in Society45 - How Much Trouble One May Have about a Note46 - Aromatic Vinegar47 - The Fur Cloak on a Journey48 - Quarrenton to Queechy49 - Montepoole Becomes a Point of Interest50 - The House on 'The Hill' Once More51 - The First One That Left Queechy52 - The Last Sunset There53 - Fleda Alone on an Isthmus54 - The Moorish Temple before Breakfast
Queechy - Susan Warner - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/