Audio Books » General Fiction » Lena Rivers - Mary Jane HOLMES
Lena Rivers - Mary Jane HOLMES Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

Lena Rivers - Mary Jane HOLMES

If you're a fan of mid-19th Century melodramas with many twists and turns you will love this book. Acclaimed as Holmes greatest commercial success the charming heroine of this tale is Lena Rivers whose mother died when she was a baby. The father is unknown, and she is brought up by her grandparents in the New England mountains.

When the grandfather dies, she and her grandmother are uprooted to live with her uncle in Kentucky. His wealthy wife and 3 spoiled children are not at all happy about taking in these poor relations and do all they can to make them feel unwelcome. Sometimes highly emotional, sometimes hilarious the characters in this good old-fashioned romance are captivating and will pull you in until the very satisfying end. - Summary by Celine Major
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