This is the first volume in the Home Education Series detailing Charlotte Mason's method of education. This volume is subtitled: The Education of Children under Nine Years of Age. The series is used today by many homeschoolers around the globe and is considered a classic reference by the founder of the homeschooling movement. Volume 1 of 6. - Summary by rachelrw
Preface to the Home Education SeriesPreface to the Fourth EditionPart 1: Some Preliminary ConsiderationsPart 1 Chapter 1: A Method of EducationPart 1 Chapter 2: The Child's EstatePart 1 Chapter 3: Offending the ChildrenPart 1 Chapter 4: Despising the ChildrenPart 1 Chapter 5: Hindering the ChildrenPart 1 Chapter 6: Conditions of Healthy Brain-ActivityPart 1 Chapter 7: 'The Reign of Law' in EducationPart 2 Chapter 1: A Growing TimePart 2 Chapter 2: 'Sight-Seeing'Part 2 Chapter 3: 'Picture-Painting'Part 2 Chapter 4: Flowers and TreesPart 2 Chapter 5: 'Living Creatures'Part 2 Chapter 6: Field-Lore and Naturalists' BooksPart 2 Chapter 7: The Child gets Knowledge by Means of His SensesPart 2 Chapter 8: The Child Should be Made Familiar with Natural ObjectsPart 2 Chapter 9: Out-of-Door GeographyPart 2 Chapter 10: The Child and Mother NaturePart 2 Chapter 11: Out-of-Door GamesPart 2 Chapter 12: Walks in Bad WeatherPart 2 Chapter 13: 'Red Indian' LifePart 2 Chapter 14: The Children Require Country AirPart 3 Chapter 1: Education Based Upon Natural LawPart 3 Chapter 2: Children Have no Self-Compelling PowerPart 3 Chapter 3: What is 'Nature'Part 3 Chapter 4: Habit May Supplant 'Nature'Part 3 Chapter 5: The Laying Down of Lines of HabitPart 3 Chapter 6: The Physiology of HabitPart 3 Chapter 7: The Forming of a Habit---'Shut the Door After You'Part 3 Chapter 8: Infant 'Habits'Part 3 Chapter 9: Physical ExercisesPart 4: Some Habits of Mind---Some Moral HabitsPart 4 Chapter 1: The Habit of AttentionPart 4 Chapter 2: The Habits of Application, Etc.Part 4 Chapter 3: The Habit of ThinkingPart 4 Chapter 4: The Habit of ImaginingPart 4 Chapter 5: The Habit of RememberingPart 4 Chapter 6: The Habit of Perfect ExecutionPart 4 Chapter 7: Some Moral HabitsPart 4 Chapter 8: Truthfulness, Etc.Part 5 Chapter 1: The Matter and Method of LessonsPart 5 Chapter 2: The Kindergarten as a Place of EducationPart 5 Chapter 3: Further Considerations of the KindergartenPart 5 Chapter 4: ReadingPart 5 Chapter 5: The First Reading LessonPart 5 Chapter 6: Reading by Sight and by SoundPart 5 Chapter 7: RecitationPart 5 Chapter 8: Reading for Older ChildrenPart 5 Chapter 9: The Art of NarratingPart 5 Chapter 10: WritingPart 5 Chapter 11: TranscriptionPart 5 Chapter 12: Spelling and DictationPart 5 Chapter 13: CompositionPart 5 Chapter 14: Bible LessonsPart 5 Chapter 15: ArithmeticPart 5 Chapter 16: Natural PhilosophyPart 5 Chapter 17: GeographyPart 5 Chapter 18: HistoryPart 5 Chapter 19: GrammarPart 5 Chapter 20: FrenchPart 5 Chapter 21: Pictorial Art, Etc.Part 6 Chapter 1: The WillPart 6 Chapter 2: The ConsciencePart 6 Chapter 3: The Divine Life in the Child
Home Education Series Vol. I: Home Education - Charlotte MASON - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at