Audio Books » Education » Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided by a Member of the Aristocracy - Anonymous
Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided by a Member of the Aristocracy - Anonymous Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided by a Member of the Aristocracy - Anonymous

The title of this work sufficiently indicates the nature of its contents. The Usages of Good Society relate not only to good manners and to good breeding, but also to the proper etiquette to be observed on every occasion. (From "Introductory Remarks")

Note: The abbreviation viz. (or viz without a full stop) is short for the Latin videlicet, which itself is a contraction of the Latin phrase videre licet, meaning "it is permitted to see". (Wikipedia)
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Preface and Introductory RemarksThe Meaning of EtiquetteIntroductionsLeaving CardsPaying CallsPrecedencyThe Colloquial Application of TitlesPoints of Etiquette as Regards Royal PersonagesPoints of Etiquette when Travelling Abroad, and Presentations at Foreign CourtsThe Received Mode of Pronouncing Certain SurnamesPresentations at Courts and Attending CourtsPresentations at Levées and Attending LevéesBalls and State BallsDinner Giving and Dining OutDinner-Table EtiquetteEvening PartiesWeddings and Wedding LuncheonsWedding ReceptionsWedding ExpensesAfternoon "at Homes""At Home" DaysColonial EtiquetteIndian EtiquetteGarden-PartiesTown Garden-PartiesEvening Garden-PartiesLuncheonsBreakfastsPicnics and Water-PartiesJuvenile PartiesWritten InvitationsRefusing InvitationsWalking, Driving, and RidingBowingThe CockadeCountry-House VisitsHunting and ShootingShaking HandsChaperons and DébutantesPresentations at the Viceregal Court, Dublin CastleHostessesThe Responsibilities of Lady Patronesses of Public BallsPeriods of MourningEngagedSilver WeddingsSubscription DancesGiving PresentsChristening Parties
Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided by a Member of the Aristocracy - Anonymous - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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