Earth Sciences - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 1
Principles of Geology - Charles Lyell

Principles of Geology - Charles Lyell
- Author: Charles Lyell
- Genre: Earth Sciences
Principles of Geology: being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation is a book by the Scottish geologist Charles Lyell, first published in 3 volumes in 1830–1833. Lyell used geology...
Discourses: Biological and Geological - Thomas Henry Huxley

Discourses: Biological and Geological - Thomas Henry Huxley
- Author: Thomas Henry Huxley
- Genre: Earth Sciences / Life Sciences
Thomas Henry Huxley was an English biologist (comparative anatomist). He was the most effective supporter of Darwin's Theory of Evolution and had a strong interest in scientific education - in schools, universities, and for the general public . He...
National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 3 - National Geographic Society

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 3 - National Geographic Society
- Author: National Geographic Society
- Genre: Travel & Geography / Earth Sciences
National Geographic Magazine Volume 1 Number 3 published in 1889. Topics of articles are: The Rivers and Valleys of Pennsylvania Topographic Models International Literary Contest (Summary by Guero)...
San Francisco Before And After The Earthquake - William Henry Irwin

San Francisco Before And After The Earthquake - William Henry Irwin
- Author: William Henry Irwin
- Genre: Technology & Engineering / Modern (20th C) / Earth Sciences
As all but Martians know (and who knows, perhaps even they), the city of San Francisco, California, was destroyed by massive earthquake and unquenchable fire in April, 1906. Will Irwin was a sometime San Franciscan who was then living in New York....
Volcanoes and Vulcanology (1885-1917) - Various

Volcanoes and Vulcanology (1885-1917) - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: Earth Sciences
This is a collection of short scientific articles on the study of volcanoes and related seismic activity published in Knowledge, A Monthly Record of Science between 1884-1917 - Summary by J. M. Smallheer...
Practical Forestry in the Pacific Northwest - Edward Tyson Allen

Practical Forestry in the Pacific Northwest - Edward Tyson Allen
- Author: Edward Tyson Allen
- Genre: Nature / Earth Sciences
Written by a forester, this book aims to educate people on the importance of maintaining forests and those events which pose a danger to forests. It looks at forests from multiple points of view, the public, lumbermen, and the farmer. Given the...
Final Report from the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling - National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oi

Final Report from the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling - National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oi
- Author: National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oi
- Genre: Technology & Engineering / Earth Sciences
On April 20, 2010, the Macondo well blew out, costing the lives of 11 men, and beginning a catastrophe that sank the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and spilled over 4 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The spill disrupted an...
The Training of a Forester - Gifford PINCHOT

The Training of a Forester - Gifford PINCHOT
- Author: Gifford PINCHOT
- Genre: Nature / Earth Sciences
Written by a forester, this book looks at the definition of "forest", what the life of a forester entails, discusses the forest service both on the state and national levels, and the training required to be a forester. As a forester himself, and the...
The Elements of Geology - William Harmon NORTON

The Elements of Geology - William Harmon NORTON
- Author: William Harmon NORTON
- Genre: Earth Sciences
Geology is a science of such rapid growth that no apology is expected when from time to time a new text-book is added to those already in the field. The present work, however, is the outcome of the need of a text-book of very simple outline, in...
Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II: Impacts, Risks and Adaption in the United States - US GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH PROGRAM

Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II: Impacts, Risks and Adaption in the United States - US GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH PROGRAM
- Genre: Earth Sciences
Are you interested in learning about climate change and its current and future effects on the United States? The Fourth National Climate Assessment – Volume II is a 2018 report written in non-technical language by the U.S. Global Change Research...
Meteorology; or Weather Explained - J. G. M'PHERSON

Meteorology; or Weather Explained - J. G. M'PHERSON
- Author: J. G. M'PHERSON
- Genre: Earth Sciences
Weather Explained: Fog, clouds, rain, haze, thunder, cyclones, dew point and how to count dust motes are just a few of the 35 topics covered in short, easy to read and understand chapters in this book published in 1905. (Summary by phil chenevert)...
The Ocean of Air - Meteorology for Beginners - Agnes GIBERNE

The Ocean of Air - Meteorology for Beginners - Agnes GIBERNE
- Author: Agnes GIBERNE
- Genre: Earth Sciences
This is an immensely readable book explaining anything to do with air - the atmosphere, wind and clouds, and life. This 1896 explanation has since been overtaken by more specific scientific discoveries, but the general concepts certainly still hold...
Cloud Studies - Arthur William CLAYDEN

Cloud Studies - Arthur William CLAYDEN
- Author: Arthur William CLAYDEN
- Genre: Earth Sciences
Classification of clouds, and meteorological condition of how they are formed. Written by Arthur W. Clayden, M.A., who was the former principal of University College, Exeter, UK - (Summary by Jennifer Dallman)...
The Science - History of the Universe Vol. 2: Geology - Francis ROLT-WHEELER

The Science - History of the Universe Vol. 2: Geology - Francis ROLT-WHEELER
- Author: Francis ROLT-WHEELER
- Genre: Earth Sciences
Multi-volume work on science edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. The second volume is on Geology written by Harold E. Slade and W. E. Ferguson. This book covers the early efforts in and beginnings of geological concepts, development of the science...
National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 1 - National Geographic Society

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 1 - National Geographic Society
- Author: National Geographic Society
- Genre: Nature / Travel & Geography / Earth Sciences
National Geographic Magazine Volume 1 Number 1 published in 1889. Topics of articles are: Announcement by the National Geographic Society Introductory Address by the President Geographic Methods in Geologic Investigation Classification of Geographic...
Micrographia - Robert HOOKE

Micrographia - Robert HOOKE
- Author: Robert HOOKE
- Genre: Nature / Earth Sciences / Life Sciences
Published in 1665, this is the first publication of the Royal Society and considered to be the first scientific best-seller. As opposed to the Latin of other publications of the time like Newton's 'Principia Mathematica', it was written in English...
National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 4 - National Geographic Society

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 4 - National Geographic Society
- Author: National Geographic Society
- Genre: Earth Sciences
National Geographic Magazine Volume 1 Number 4 published in 1889. Topics of articles are: Irrigation in California Round about Asheville A Trip to Panama and Darien Across Nicaragua with Transit and Machéte (Summary by Rapunzelina)...

- Genre: Nature / Earth Sciences
Understanding Climatic Change - A Program for Action is a 1975 report by the US Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program. Already at this time, it was understood that a climate change was taking place, and that it was possibly happening...
Madam How and Lady Why - Charles Kingsley

Madam How and Lady Why - Charles Kingsley
- Author: Charles Kingsley
- Genre: Science / Earth Sciences
Did you ever wish you knew how to explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes to your children? Search no more, this book has all the answers (at least all the ones that were known in 1869) and gives them in a pedagogical way. Listed...
Prehistoric Men - Robert J. BRAIDWOOD

Prehistoric Men - Robert J. BRAIDWOOD
- Author: Robert J. BRAIDWOOD
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Earth Sciences
This little book, first published in 1948, is part of the Chicago Natural History Popular History series that explains difficult subjects in ways and terms we all can understand. It was published at a time in Anthropology when exciting things like...