Audio Books » Detective Fiction » The Leavenworth Case (Version 2) - Anna Katharine Green
The Leavenworth Case (Version 2) - Anna Katharine Green Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

The Leavenworth Case (Version 2) - Anna Katharine Green

The Leavenworth Case is a gripping detective novel set in New York, and is one of the first detective fiction novels to be written by a female. Indeed, it was the first novel by Anna Katharine Green who came to be known as 'the mother of the detective novel', and 'The Leavenworth Case' was cited by Agatha Christie as an influence on her own fiction. The story plot twists and turns leaving the reader uncertain as to the identity of the murderer until the very end. This is one of the best detective stories you will ever hear.
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Chapter 1 - A Great CaseChapter 2 - The Coroner's InquestChapter 3 - Facts and DeductionsChapter 4 - A CutsChapter 5 - Expert TestimonyChapter 6 - Side-LightsChapter 7 - Mary LeavenworthChapter 8 - Circumstantial EvidenceChapter 9 - A DiscoveryChapter 10 - Mr Gryce Receives New ImpetusChapter 11 - The SummonsChapter 12 - EleanoreChapter 13 - The ProblemChapter 14 - Mr Gryce at HomeChapter 15 - Ways OpeningChapter 16 - The Will of a MillionaireChapter 17 - The Beginnings of Great SurprisesChapter 18 - On the StairsChapter 19 - In my OfficeChatper 20 - "Trueman! Trueman! Trueman!"Chapter 21 - A PrejudiceChapter 22 - Patch-WorkChapter 23 - The Story of a Charming WomanChapter 24 - A Report Followed by SmokeChapter 25 - Timothy CookChapter 26 - Mr Gryce Explains HimselfChapter 27 - Amy BeldenChapter 28 - A Weird ExperienceChapter 29 -The Missing WitnessChapter 30 - Burned PaperChapter 31 - Thereby Hangs a TaleChapter 32 - Mrs Belden's NarrativeChapter 33 - Unexpected TestimonyChapter 34 - Mr Gryce Resumes ControlChapter 35 - Fine WorkChapter 36 - Gathered ThreadsChapter 37 - CulminationChapter 38 - A Full ConfessionChapter 39 - The Outcome of a Great Crime
The Leavenworth Case (Version 2) - Anna Katharine Green - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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