Two partners in a mining interest in South America sell up for a cool million dollars. But why is one trying to kill the other after being the best of friend for so many years. Will Nick get to the bottom of this? (Summary by Geoff Blanchard)
A Shot From AmbushThe Witness Makes ConditionsAn Unfortunate LetterCrawford is TroubledAnother Murderous AttackThe Love Of ComradsFollansbee Hit The NailName Your PriceA Fair OfferThe Raised CheckA Distinguished ScoundrelThe Deadly TubeChick Sights The BuzzardNick's Assistant DecampsA Bad CombinationA Bird Of Ill OmenNick Carter MiscalculatesOn The Fire EscapeA Fiendish PlotQuick Work Is NecessaryIn Need of EvidenceHelp From The House DetectiveThe HypodermicThe Plunger Reaches HomeThe Madman's Get-AwayThe Awakening of RemorseAn Astounding StatementYou've Saved Me From MyselfA Strange DevelopmentAn Unlucky MorningNick Has a HunchThe Man Who Never Lets GoWill He Score?A Visit To The BankThe Doctor Gets a SurpriseSome Plain TruthsFollansbee Reaches The LimitNick Is BalkedPatsy Traces The AmbulanceThe Private HospitalNick Has A PlanThe Detective Acquires A WifeThe Hypnotic SpellChick Comes to GriefHeaven Help MeThe Bond is Mended
A Broken Bond (Version 2) - Nicholas Carter - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at