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Why do we need a public library? - Various

Internet Archive, which hosts our audio books, is in the midst of their annual fund-raising. They have also begun a drive to provide a mirror site in Canada to ensure IA's availability to all users. The IA is a vast library with millions of public domain books, audio, film, radio, and other media. They also maintain an open library of copyrighted books one can 'check out' by becoming a member with a virtual library card. This collection is devoted to the concept of why we need a public library, the title taken from an essay by Chalmers Hadley, which will be the first entry in this audio book. The rest of the collection is pulled from Project Gutenberg's Library selections. Some are solo essays, most are chapters from selected books on library science and culture. I'm also open to including up to 5 chapters or short works from the list of banned books on PG's site to emphasize the need for a public library. - Summary by Matt Pierard
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