Audio Books » Culture & Heritage Fiction » The Golden Maiden and Other Folk Tales and Fairy Stories Told in Armenia - A. G. SEKLEMIAN
The Golden Maiden and Other Folk Tales and Fairy Stories Told in Armenia - A. G. SEKLEMIAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

The Golden Maiden and Other Folk Tales and Fairy Stories Told in Armenia - A. G. SEKLEMIAN

Armenians trace their history back to before the time of the Babylonians and earliest recorded history - in fact, to Togarmah, a grandson of Japhet, Noah's son, who settled in Armenia after the Ark came to rest on mount Ararat. Armenia was also the first State in the world to adopt Christianity as their official religion, around the 3rd Century AD. This book contains many wonderful folk and fairy tales culled from this long history of the Armenian country people, to whom all nature is full of stories, by the scholar and storyteller Mr. A. G. Seklemian. - Summary by Noel Badrian
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