A collection of folk stories and fairy tales from Southern Nigeria gathered by Elphinstone Dayrell, deputy commissioner of the region when the book was published. - Summary by Elsie Selwyn
IntroductionThe Tortoise with a Pretty DaughterHow a Hunter Obtained Money from His Friends the Leopard, Goat, Bush Cat, and Cock, and How He Got Out of Repaying ThemThe Woman with Two SkinsThe King’s Magic DrumItuen and the King’s WifeOf the Pretty Stranger Who Killed the KingWhy the Bat Flies by NightThe Disobedient Daughter Who Married a SkullThe King Who Married the Cock’s DaughterConcerning the Woman, the Ape, and the ChildThe Fish and the Leopard’s Wife; or, Why the Fish Lives in the WaterWhy the Bat is Ashamed to be Seen in the DaytimeWhy the Worms Live Underneath the GroundThe Elephant and the Tortoise; or, Why the Worms are Blind and the Elephant Has Small EyesWhy A Hawk Kills ChickensWhy the Sun and the Moon Live in the SkyWhy the Flies Bother the CowsWhy the Cat Kills RatsThe Story of the Lightning and the ThunderWhy the Bush Cow and the Elephant Are Bad FriendsThe Cock Who Caused A Fight Between Two TownsThe Affair of the Hippopotamus and the Tortoise; or, Why the Hippopotamus Lives in the WaterWhy Dead People Are BuriedOf the Fat Woman Who Melted AwayConcerning the Leopard, the Squirrel, and the TortoiseWhy the Moon Waxes and WanesThe Story of the Leopard, the Tortoise, and the Bush RatThe King and the Ju Ju TreeHow the Tortoise Overcame the Elephant and the HippopotamusOf the Pretty Girl and the Seven Jealous WomenHow the Cannibals Drove the People from Insofan Mountain to the Cross River (Ikom)The Lucky FishermanThe Orphan Boy and the Magic StoneThe Slave Girl Who Tried to Kill Her MistressThe King and the ‘Nsiat BirdConcerning the Fate of Essido and His Evil CompanionsConcerning the Hawk and the OwlThe Story of the Drummer and the AlligatorsThe ‘Nsasak Bird and the Odudu BirdThe Election of the King Bird (The Black-and-White Fishing Eagle)
Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa - Elphinstone Dayrell - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/