A minor lord is killed and a rich socialite is missing, and they are both tied to the enigmatic Kazmah the Dream Reader, who has also disappeared. New Scotland Yard Chief Inspector Red Kerry scours post-WWI London looking for clues, encountering rich Bohemians, theatre people, landed gentry, sailors, and, stereotypically, sinister Chinese people and sneaky Jews. The story is based on the history of Billie Carleton, a young English actress whose scandalous lifestyle ended with her death from a drug overdose in 1918. (Note that this work contains dated material and attitudes which may be offensive to listeners.) - Summary by TriciaG
Part First—Kazmah the Dream-Reader Chapter I. A Message for IrvinChapter II. The Apartments of KazmahChapter III. KazmahChapter IV. The Closed DoorChapter V. The Door Is OpenedChapter VI. Red KerryChapter VII. Further EvidenceChapter VIII. Kerry Consults the OracleChapter IX. A Packet of CigarettesChapter X. Sir Lucien's Study WindowChapter XI. The Drug SyndicatePart Second—Mrs. Sin Chapter XII. The Maid of the MasqueChapter XIII. A Chandu PartyChapter XIV. In the Shade of the Lonely PalmChapter XV. MetamorphosisChapter XVI. LimehouseChapter XVII. The Black SmokeChapter XVIII. The Dream of Sin Sin WaChapter XIX. The TrafficChapter XX. Kazmah's MethodsChapter XXI. The Cigarettes from Buenos AyresChapter XXII. The Strangle-HoldPart Third—The Man from Whitehall Chapter XXIII. Chief Inspector Kerry ResignsChapter XXIV. To Introduce 719Chapter XXV. Night-Life of SohoChapter XXVI. The Moods of MollieChapter XXVII. Crown EvidenceChapter XXVIII. The Gilded JossChapter XXIX. Doubts and FearsChapter XXX. The Fight in the DarkChapter XXXI. The Story of 719Chapter XXXII. On the Isle of DogsPart Fourth—The Eye of Sin Sin Wa Chapter XXXIII. Chinese MagicChapter XXXIV. Above and BelowChapter XXXV. Beyond the VeilChapter XXXVI. Sam Tuk MovesChapter XXXVII. Seton Pasha ReportsChapter XXXVIIII. The Song of Sin Sin WaChapter XXXIX. The Empty WharfChapter XL. Coil of the PigtailChapter XLI. The Finding of KazmahChapter XLII. A Year LaterChapter XLIII. The Story of the Crime
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