This is an elaborate treatise on how to brew beer. That art is as noble today as it was in 1761, when this book was first published, and Mr. Combrune was a master of his art. After reading his work on this topic, a glass of beer can be enjoyed on quite a different level. - Summary by Carolin
An Explanation of the Technical TermsOf FireOf AirOf WaterOf EarthOf Menstruums or DissolventsOf the ThermometerOf the Vine, its Fruits, and JuicesOf Fermentation in GeneralOf Artificial FermentationOf the Nature of BarleyOf MaltingOf the Different Properties of Malt, and of the Number of its Fermentable PartsObservations on Defective MaltsThe Practice of BrewingOf the Heat of the AirOf GrindingOf Extraction, part 1Of Extraction, part 2Of the Nature and Properties of HopsOf the Lengths Necessary to Form Malt-Liquors of the Several DenominationsMethod of Calculating the Height in the Copper at which Worts Are to Go outOf BoilingOf the Quantity of Water wasted; and of the Application of the preceding Rules to two different processes of BrewingOf the Division of the Water for the respective Worts and Mashes, and of the Heat adequate to each of theseAn enquiry into the Volume of Malt, in order to reduce the Grist to liquid MeasureOf the Proportion of cold Water to be added to that which is on the point of Boiling, in Order to obtain the desired heat in the ExtractOf MashingOf the Incidents, which cause the Heat of the Extract to vary from the Calculation, the allowances they require, and the means to obviate their effectsOf the disposition of the Worts when turned out of the Copper, the thickness they should be laid at in the Backs to cool, and the heat they should retain for fermentation, under the several circumstancesOf Yeast, its nature, and contents, and of the manner and quantities in which it is to be added to the wortsOf practical Fermentation, and the management of the several sorts of Malt Liquors, to the period, at which they are to be cleansed or put into the CasksOf the signs generally directing the processes of Brewing, and their comparison with the forgoing Theory and PracticeAn enquiry into what may be, at all times, a proper stock of Beer, and the management of it in the cellarsOf Precipitation, and other remedies, applicable to the diseases incident to BeersOf TasteAppendix
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