Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 6
The Stratagems and The Aqueducts of Rome - Sextus Julius Frontinus

The Stratagems and The Aqueducts of Rome - Sextus Julius Frontinus
- Author: Sextus Julius Frontinus
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / War & Military / Astronomy / Physics & Mechanics
Frontinus' Stratagems is a collection of examples of military stratagems from Greek and Roman history, which the author comments based on his own experience as a general in Germania. Many of the stories he tells can also be found in other Roman...
Peace - Aristophanes

Peace - Aristophanes
- Author: Aristophanes
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Comedy
The 'Peace' was brought out four years after 'The Acharnians' (422 B.C.), when the War had already lasted ten years. The leading motive is the same as in the former play—the intense desire of the less excitable and more moderate-minded citizens for...
Lucian's Dialogues Volume 2: The Dialogues of the Sea-Gods - LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA

Lucian's Dialogues Volume 2: The Dialogues of the Sea-Gods - LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Dramatic Readings / Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales
The Dialogues of the Sea-Gods are 15 miniature dialogues mocking the Homeric conception of the Greek gods, originally written in Attic Greek by Syrian author Lucian of Samosata. Almost 1900 years old, these dialogues still retain a lot of their...
Bacchides: or, The Twin Sisters - Titus Maccius Plautus

Bacchides: or, The Twin Sisters - Titus Maccius Plautus
- Author: Titus Maccius Plautus
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Comedy
Twin sisters, separated at birth to different lands. Later, Mnesilochus falls in love with one of them, only to see his friend Pistoclerus apparently with her. Great complications abound. Eventually all is explained and everyone joins together to...
The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates - Xenophon

The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates - Xenophon
- Author: Xenophon
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity)
Xenophon's best memorial of his old guide, philosopher, and friend is this work, in which Xenophon brought together in simple and direct form the views of life that had been made clear to himself by the teaching of Socrates. Xenophon is throughout...
The Junior Classics Volume 3: Tales from Greece and Rome - Various

The Junior Classics Volume 3: Tales from Greece and Rome - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales
The purpose of The Junior Classics is to provide, in ten volumes containing about five thousand pages, a classified collection of tales, stories, and poems, both ancient and modern, suitable for boys and girls of from six to sixteen years of age....
History of Animals - Aristotle

History of Animals - Aristotle
- Author: Aristotle
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Animals / Medical
(Greek: Τῶν περὶ τὰ ζῷα ἱστοριῶν, Ton peri ta zoia historion, "Inquiries on Animals"; Latin: Historia Animalium, "History of Animals") Book I Grouping of animals and the parts of the human body. Book II Different parts of red-blooded animals. Book...
Moral letters to Lucilius (Epistulae morales ad Lucilium) - Lucius Annaeus SENECA

Moral letters to Lucilius (Epistulae morales ad Lucilium) - Lucius Annaeus SENECA
- Author: Lucius Annaeus SENECA
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Biography & Autobiography / Essays & Short Works
Seneca the Younger’s letters to his friend, Lucilius Junior, appear to have been written with a broad audience in mind. These letters introduce major themes of Stoic philosophy and have been a source of inspiration and comfort for readers throughout...
The Natural History Volume 7 - Pliny the Elder

The Natural History Volume 7 - Pliny the Elder
- Author: Pliny the Elder
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Nature
Naturalis Historia (Latin for "Natural History") is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman empire to the modern day and purports to cover the entire field of...
The Georgics: A Poem of the Land - Virgil

The Georgics: A Poem of the Land - Virgil
- Author: Virgil
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Single author
A poem by the Latin poet Virgil, the second of his three known works. "Georgic" means "to work the land," and on such matters of labour Virgil dwells and celebrates. In a dramatic survey of practices including agriculture, viticulture, animal...
Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 - Alexander Roberts

Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 - Alexander Roberts
- Author: Alexander Roberts
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Christianity - Other
This LibriVox collection is first in a series of writings from the ante-Nicene Fathers' works. This first collection includes all the so-called Infancy narratives from the New Testament Apocrypha. - Summary by KevinS...
On Benefits (De Beneficiis) - Lucius Annaeus SENECA

On Benefits (De Beneficiis) - Lucius Annaeus SENECA
- Author: Lucius Annaeus SENECA
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Ancient
De Beneficiis (English: On Benefits) is one of the moral essays composed by Seneca, Roman author of the 1st century CE. It deals with Stoic ethics, mainly in regards to political leadership, concerning the award and reception of gifts and favours...