The Fasti is a Latin poem in six books, written by Ovid and believed to have been published in 8 AD. The Fasti is organized according to the Roman calendar and explains the origins of Roman holidays and associated customs, often through the mouths of deities and with multiple aetiologies. The poem was left unfinished when the poet was exiled to Tomis, so only the first six months of the year appear in the poem. (Summary by Leni)
01 - Book 1, 1-318: Introduction, Feast of Janus, Temples of Jove and Asculapius dedicated02 - Book 1, 319-486: Cancer sets, Lyra rises, Jani Agonalia, Dolphin arises, Mid-Winter03 - Book 1, 487-775: Festival of Carmentis and Juturna, Ides of January, Rites of Porrima and Postverta, Temple of Concordia, Sol in Aquarius, Sementivan Feasts, Castor and Pollux, Altar of Peace04 - Book 2, 1-275: Introduction, Februarius, Temple of Sospita Consecrated, Lucaria, Dolphin sets, Ides, Arctophylax rises, Feast of Faunus, Corvus Crater and Hydra rise05 - Book 2, 276-683: Lupercalia, Sol in Piscibus, Quirinalia, Feast of Fools and Fornicalia, Feralia, Feast of Dea Muta, Charistia06 - Book 2, 684-919: Terminalia, Regifugium, Equiria in Campus Martius07 - Book 3, 1-428: Introduction, Matronalia, Feast of Ancilia08 - Book 3, 429-565: Piscis Notius sets, Feast of Vesta, Templum Vejovis, Pegasus rises, Ariadne's crown rises, Equiria by the Tiber09 - Book 3, 566-945: Feast of Anna Perenna, The murder of Julius Caesar, Liberalia, Milvus rises, Minervae Captae Festum, Sol in Aries, Equinox, Feast of Luna10 - Book 4, 1-436: Introduction, Venus celebrated, Fortuna Virilis celebrated, Pleiades set, Megalesia, Fortuna publica, Orion sets11 - Book 4, 437-827: Cereal Games, Fordicidia, Circensian Games, Sol in Taurus12 - Book 4, 828-1111: Palilia, Rome founded, Vinalia of Venus and Jove, Rubigalia, Feast of Vesta, Phoebus and Augustus13 - Book 5, 1-202: Introduction, Capella rises, Rites of Bona Dea, Hyades rise14 - Book 5, 203-557: Floralia, Centaur rises, Lemuria15 - Book 5, 558-843: Orion sets, Feast of Mars Bisultor, Taurus rises, Feast of Mercury, Sol in Gemini, Agonalia, Tubilustria, Hyades rise16 - Book 6, 1-295: Introduction, Feast of Carna, Temple to Juno Moneta, Temple to Bellona, Temple to Mens17 - Book 6, 296-567: Vestalia, Altar to Juppiter Pistor,Palladium snatched from the fire, Delphin arises18 - Book 6, 568-980: Matralia, Temple of Fortune Dedicated, Temple of Concord dedicated, Quinquatria Minoria, Orion rises, Feast of Fors Fortuna, Feast of Hercules and the Muses
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