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Eunuchus: The Eunuch - TERENCE

Another of the plays by Terence translated from the Latin by Riley. "A certain citizen of Athens had a daughter named Pamphila, and a son called Chremes. The former was stolen while an infant, and sold to a Rhodian merchant, who having made a present of her to a Courtesan of Rhodes, she brought her up with her own daughter Thais, who was somewhat older." (From Translator summary)

Hmmm, so kidnapping and slavery to start off; then there will be eunuchs and rape before the play ends. And it is a comedy?! Ah, well, it was 200BC. Times and opinions (thank goodness) have changed at least a bit since then. - Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
Laches, an aged Athenian: Jim Locke
Phædria, his son: Aaron White
Chærea, his son: Tomas Peter
Antipho, a young man, friend of Chærea: Campbell Schelp
Chremes, a young man, brother of Pamphila: Owen Cook
Thraso, a boastful Captain: alanmapstone
Gnatho, a Parasite: ToddHW
Parmeno, servant of Phædria: KHand
Sanga, cook to Thraso: Sandra Schmit
Dorus, a Eunuch slave: Frédéric Surget
Thais, a Courtesan: Foon
Pythias, her attendant: Sonia
Dorias, her attendant: Leanne Yau
Sophrona, a nurse: Leanne Yau
Stage Directions: Larry Wilson
Edited By: ToddHW
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