Heroides - Publius Audiobooks - Free Audio Books | Knigi-Audio.com/en/

Heroides - Publius

The Heroides, also known as the Heroines, the Letters of the Heroines or simply as Epistles are a very famous collection of poems by Ovid, not only for their interesting subject - letters by famous mythological characters addressed to their beloved ones - but also because it's considered by some the first example of the Epistle as a literary genre - a statement made by Ovid himself in his Ars Amatoria. The book as we have it nowadays consists of 21 letters, divided in two parts. The first is composed of fifteen letters presented as if written by a female mythological character to her lover; the second part, also known as Double Heroides, brings three pairs of letters, being the first in each pair supposedly written by a hero, and the second one, the heroine's response to the first letter. Along the Metamorphoses and the Ars Amatoria, the Heroides were one of the most influential works of Ovid, not only in the Antiquity, but also throughout the Middle Ages and up to Modern times. (Summary by Leni)

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01 - Penelope to Ulysses02 - Phyllis to Demophoon03 - Briseis to Achilles04 - Phaedra to Hippolytus05 - Oenone to Paris06 - Hypsipyle to Jason07 - Dido to Aeneas08 - Hermione to Orestes09 - Deianira to Hercules10 - Ariadne to Theseus11 - Canace to Macareus12 - Medea to Jason13 - Laodamia to Protesilaus14 - Hypermnestra to Lynceus15 - Sappho to Phaon16 - Paris to Helen17 - Helen to Paris18 - Leander to Hero19 - Hero to Leander20 - Acontius to Cydippe21 - Cydippe to Acontius
Heroides - Publius - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/
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