Christianity - Other - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 4
Mystical City of God, Volume 2 - Venerable María de Jesús de Ágreda

Mystical City of God, Volume 2 - Venerable María de Jesús de Ágreda
- Author: Venerable María de Jesús de Ágreda
- Genre: Christianity - Other
The Mystical City of God is a book written in the 17th-century by the Franciscan nun, Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda. According to María de Ágreda, the book was to a considerable extent dictated to her by the Blessed Virgin Mary and regarded the...
Hymns of the Christian Church - Various

Hymns of the Christian Church - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: Poetry / Music / Christianity - Other
A collection of classic Christian hymns spanning the centuries. Some LibriVox volunteers read the hymns; others sung them. (Summary by Leon Mire)...
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Pope CLEMENT I

The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Pope CLEMENT I
- Author: Pope CLEMENT I
- Genre: Christianity - Other
"First Clement is one of the oldest Christian documents outside the New Testament canon. The epistle was written by Clement, one of the elders of the church of Rome, to the church in Corinth, where it was read for centuries. Indeed, historians...
Beacon Lights of History, Vol 5: The Middle Ages - John Lord

Beacon Lights of History, Vol 5: The Middle Ages - John Lord
- Author: John Lord
- Genre: Middle Ages/Middle History / Christianity - Other
Volume 5 continues the commentary on world history begun in the first four volumes. This volume looks at some of the main religious figures of the Middle Ages, as well as social issues like the Crusades and the feudal system. - Summary by KHand...
When the Holy Ghost Is Come - Samuel Logan Brengle

When the Holy Ghost Is Come - Samuel Logan Brengle
- Author: Samuel Logan Brengle
- Genre: Christianity - Other
"The writer, Colonel Brengle, gives us not only of the fruit of an orderly and well-stored mind on the great subject before us, but— and this is the more important—he tells us of the actual work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of ordinary men and...
Sermons on Several Occasions, Third-Fifth Series - John WESLEY

Sermons on Several Occasions, Third-Fifth Series - John WESLEY
- Author: John WESLEY
- Genre: Literary Collections / Christianity - Commentary / Christianity - Other
John Wesley, along with his brother Charles, are credited with founding the Methodist denomination. "The following Sermons contain the substance of what I have been preaching for between eight and nine years last past. Every serious man who peruses...
A Holy Life the Beauty of Christianity - John Bunyan

A Holy Life the Beauty of Christianity - John Bunyan
- Author: John Bunyan
- Genre: Essays & Short Works / Christianity - Other
Written in the late 1600s by John Bunyan, author of The Pilgrim's Progress, this treatise exhorts Christians to holy living. Bunyan takes as his text Psalm 93:5, 'Holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, forever,' and from it he presents true holiness...
Hymn Collection 001 - Various

Hymn Collection 001 - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: Poetry / Music / Christianity - Other
Librivox volunteers sing twenty of their favourite hymns. All Glory Laud and Honor - Words translated from the Latin of Theodolph of Orleans; Tune: St. Theodulph by Melchior Teschner; harmony by William H. Monk. Amazing Grace - Tune: New Britain by...
The Spirit of Christmas - Henry van Dyke

The Spirit of Christmas - Henry van Dyke
- Author: Henry van Dyke
- Genre: Short Stories / Essays & Short Works / Christianity - Other
A short Christmas book by American author, educator, and clergyman Henry Van Dyke, including a short story, two essays, and two prayers for the season. (summary by Jan MacGillivray)...
Around the Wicket Gate - Charles H. Spurgeon

Around the Wicket Gate - Charles H. Spurgeon
- Author: Charles H. Spurgeon
- Genre: Christianity - Other
Millions of men are in the outlying regions, far off from God and peace; for these we pray, and to these we give warning. But just now we have to do with a smaller company, who are not far from the kingdom, but have come right up to the wicket gate...
Upper Room: Being a Few Truths for the Times - J. C. Ryle

Upper Room: Being a Few Truths for the Times - J. C. Ryle
- Author: J. C. Ryle
- Genre: Christianity - Other
Ryle became the first Anglican bishop of Liverpool during a volatile time for the Church of England. Ryle was a strong supporter of the evangelical school and a critic of Ritualism. He was a writer, pastor and an evangelical preacher. Among his...
Holy in Christ - Andrew Murray

Holy in Christ - Andrew Murray
- Author: Andrew Murray
- Genre: Christianity - Other
In introducing this book, which Andrew Murray sub-titled “Thoughts on the Calling of God’s Children to Be Holy as He is Holy”, I can do no better than to quote from the author’s own Preface: “It has been my earnest desire that I might be a helper of...
Public Domain Hymns 01 - Various

Public Domain Hymns 01 - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: Music / Christianity - Other
"Originally modeled on the Psalms and other poetic passages (commonly referred to as "canticles") in the Scriptures, Christian hymns are generally directed as praise and worship to the monotheistic God. Many refer to Jesus Christ either directly or...
The Valley of Vision - Henry van Dyke

The Valley of Vision - Henry van Dyke
- Author: Henry van Dyke
- Genre: Christianity - Other
”Why do you choose such a title as The Valley of Vision for your book” said my friend; “do you mean that one can see farther from the valley than from the mountain-top?” This question set me thinking, as every honest question ought to do. Here is...
A Year With the Saints - Anonymous

A Year With the Saints - Anonymous
- Author: Anonymous
- Genre: Christianity - Other
Go through the year in the footsteps of the saints. This book emphasizes one virtue for each month with quotes and stories from the lives of the saints to help teach and inspire that particular virtue in us. For January, Perfection; February,...
Collection of Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord - John WESLEY

Collection of Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord - John WESLEY
- Author: John WESLEY
- Genre: Single author / Christianity - Other
A collection of poems reflecting on Christmas and the New Year, written by the founder of the Methodist denomination....
History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 1 - Henry Charles Lea

History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 1 - Henry Charles Lea
- Author: Henry Charles Lea
- Genre: Middle Ages/Middle History / Christianity - Other
The first volume of Lea’s monumental work on the Inquisition of Spain, covering its origin and establishment and its relations with the state. Also included are appendices listing Tribunals, Inquisitors-General, and Spanish coinage. (Summary by Ruth...
Seeing Darkly - John Sparhawk JONES

Seeing Darkly - John Sparhawk JONES
- Author: John Sparhawk JONES
- Genre: Christianity - Other
A short series of Christian sermons covering a range of topics, with the common thread throughout being the relationship between what we do know, what we may know, and what we cannot yet know about our lives, our world, and our faith. - Summary by...
Sermons on Several Occasions, Second Series - John WESLEY

Sermons on Several Occasions, Second Series - John WESLEY
- Author: John WESLEY
- Genre: Literary Collections / Christianity - Commentary / Christianity - Other
John Wesley, along with his brother Charles, are credited with founding the Methodist denomination. "The following Sermons contain the substance of what I have been preaching for between eight and nine years last past. Every serious man who peruses...
The Soul of Prayer - P. T. FORSYTH

The Soul of Prayer - P. T. FORSYTH
- Author: P. T. FORSYTH
- Genre: Christianity - Other
"The worst sin is prayerlessness," states P.T. Forsyth at the start of this work on prayer but follows this up with the suggestion that the study of prayer is itself a prayer to pray better. He then brings together his dual roles as theologian and...