Best known for having written "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Harriet Beecher Stowe also wrote several religious works, including the works in this book. The first section (Religious Studies) was originally published as "Footsteps of the Master," and was included in this compilation along with a selection of works from her book "The May Flower." The poetry included was published at irregular intervals and have been included in this compilation as well as others. (Summary by KHand is a paraphrase of the Introductory Note)
Introductory NoteReligious Studies: I. Christ in the Old TestamentReligious Studies: II. Christ In ProphecyReligious Studies: III. The Cradle of BethlehemReligious Studies: IV. The Blessed WomanReligious Studies: V. The Holy ChildhoodReligious Studies: VI. Gentile Prophecies of ChristReligious Studies: VII. The Hidden Years of ChristReligious Studies: VIII. The Prayer-Life of JesusReligious Studies: IX. The Temptations of JesusReligious Studies: X. Our Lord's BibleReligious Studies: XI. Christ's First SermonReligious Studies: XII. The Friendships of JesusReligious Studies: XIII. Christ's Unwordly MethodsReligious Studies: XIV. Christ and the Fallen WomanReligious Studies: XV. The Revealer of God's SympathyReligious Studies: XVI. The Attractiveness of JesusReligious Studies: XVII. The Tolerance of JesusReligious Studies: XVIII. The Silence of JesusReligious Studies: XIX. The Secret of PeaceReligious Studies: XX. The Church of the MasterReligious Studies: XXI. JudasReligious Studies: XXII. Going Up to JerusalemReligious Studies: XXIII. The Barren Fig-TreeReligious Studies: XXIV. CaiaphasReligious Studies: XXV. The Joy of ChristReligious Studies: XXVI. GethsemaneReligious Studies: XXVII. The Last Words of JesusReligious Studies: XXVIII. The Darkest HourReligious Studies: XXIX. The Resurrection of JesusReligious Studies: XXX. The Ascension of our Lord / XXXI. The Holy SpiritReligious Studies: XXXII Christ's Second Life, In His FollowersReligious Studies: Earthly Care, A Heavenly DisciplineReligious Studies: The Ministration of Our Departed FriendsReligious Sketches: ChildrenReligious Sketches: The Old Oak of AndoverReligious Sketches: The Elder's FeastReligious Sketches: A Scene in JerusalemReligious Sketches: The Old Meeting-HouseReligious Sketches: Little EdwardReligious Sketches: Conversation on ConversationReligious Sketches: How Do We KnowReligious Sketches: How To Make Friends With MammonReligious Sketches: The Sabbath, Part 1Religious Sketches: The Sabbath, Part 2 - Another SceneReligious Sketches: The Sabbath, Part 3 - Sketch SecondReligious Sketches: The Sabbath, Part 4 - Sketch ThirdReligious Poems: St. Catherine Borne By AngelsReligious Poems: The CharmerReligious Poems: KnockingReligious Poems: The Old Psalm TuneReligious Poems: The Other WorldReligious Poems: Mary At The CrossReligious Poems: The Inner VoiceReligious Poems: Abide In Me, And I In YouReligious Poems: The SecretReligious Poems: Think Not All Is OverReligious Poems: LinesReligious Poems: The CrocusReligious Poems: ConsolationReligious Poems: Only A YearReligious Poems: BelowReligious Poems: AboveReligious Poems: Lines Suggested By The Death of the Wife of Moses Stuart of Andover, MassReligious Poems: Summer StudiesReligious Poems: The Shepherd's CarolReligious Poems: Hours of Night or Watches of SorrowReligious Poems: Pressed Flowers From ItalyReligious Poems: The Gardens of the VaticanReligious Poems: St. Peter's ChuchReligious Poems: The Miserere
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