Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572 – 1641) is a Roman Catholic Saint, who founded The Congregation of the Visitation after the death of her husband. St. Francis de Sales was her Spiritual Director and a close friend. After St. Francis de Sales died, St. Vincent de Paul became her spiritual director. These letters, which date from a range of 1611-1641, were written to her saintly spiritual directors, her children and relatives, other nuns and religious, as well many others. (Summary by Maria Therese)
PrefacesJudgement of St. Francis on the Virtue of Mother de Chantal and To St. Francis de SalesTo the SameTo M. Legros at DijonThe Duke of Savoy to St. Jane Frances de ChantalTo Madame d'Auxerre, Foundress of the Monastery of the Visitation at LyonsTo St. Francis de SalesTo the Sisters of the Monastery of the Visitation of AnnecyTo Sister Jeanne Charlotte de Bréchard, Assistant and Mistress of Novices at AnnecyTo Sister Péronne Marie de Châtel at LyonsTo Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at LyonsTo the SameTo the SameTo Sister Péronne Marie de Châtel at LyonsTo Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at LyonsTo Sisters Péronne Marie de Châtel and Marie Aimée de BlonayTo Mother M. J. FavreTo Madame de GouffierTo Mother Jacqueline Favre, Superior at LyonsTo Sister Marie Aimée de Blonay, Mistress of Novices at LyonsTo the SameTo Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at LyonsTo the SameTo Mother Jeanne Charlotte de Bréchard, Superior at Moulins. On the death of the Saint's daughter, Madame de ThorensTo M. de Neuchèze, the Saint's nephewTo Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at LyonsTo Madame de la FléchèreTo Sister Paule Jéronyme de Monthoux, Mistress of Novices at AnnecyTo M. Michel Favre, Confessor to St. Francis de Sales, and to the Religious of the Visitation at AnnecyTo Sister Anne Marie Rosset, Assistant at AnnecyTo Sister Paul Jéronyme de Monthoux, Mistress of Novices at AnnecyTo Madame de la FléchèreTo Mother Jeanne Charlotte de Bréchard, Superior at MoulinsTo Mother Péronne Marie de Châtel, Superior at GrenobleTo Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at LyonsTo Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at LyonsTo the Sisters of the Visitation of BourgesTo the Sisters of the Visitation of MoulinsTo Mother Péronne-Marie de Châtel, Superior at GrenobleTo Mademoiselle de ChantalTo Mother Jeanne Charlotte de Bréchard, Superior at MoulinsTo Mademoiselle de ChantalTo Sister Marie-Marthe Legros, at BourgesTo Madame du TertreTo M. de Palierne, Treasurer of France at MoulinsTo St. Francis de SalesTo Madame de la FléchèreTo the Countess de ToulonjonTo Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at MontferrandTo M. de NeuchèzeTo Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of ParisTo Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at DijonTo Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of ParisTo Mother Marie Hélène de Chastellux, Superior at MoulinsTo Sister Marie Marguerite Milletot at DijonTo Sister Françoise Gasparde de la Grave, Assistant to the Superior at BelleyTo Mgr. the Bishop of AutunTo Sister Anne Marie Rosset, Assistant and Mistress of Novices at DijonTo the Rev. Father Dom John de Saint François, General of the Order of FeuillantsTo a Religious of the First Monastery of the Visitation at ParisTo the Countess de ToulonjonTo Sister Anne Catherine de Sautereau, Mistress of Novices at GrenobleTo Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of ParisTo the SameMother Marie Adrienne Fichet, Superior at RumillyTo the Sisters of the VisitationTo Sister Anne Marie de Lage de Puylaurens, Assistant and Mistress of Novices at BourgesTo the Baron de Chantal, the Saint's SonTo the SameTo M. de Coulanges, Junior, at ParisTo the Countess de ToulonjonTo the SameTo Mother Marie-Adrienne Fichet, Superior at RumillyTo Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of ParisTo a Visitation SuperiorTo Mother Jeanne Hélène de Gérard, Superior at EmbrunTo Sister Françoise-Angélique de la Croix de Fésigney, Mistress of Novices at RiomTo St. Vincent de PaulTo the Countess de ToulonjonExtract from a letter to Mother FavreTo Sister Anne Marguerite Clément at OrleansTo Mother Catherine-Charlotte de Crémaux de la GrangeTo M. Poiton, at ChamberyTo Dom Galice, Barnabite Father at MontargisTo the SameTo Mother Anne Marguerite Clément, Superior at MontargisTo Sister Marie Denise Goubert, of the First Monastery of LyonsTo Dom Galice, Barnabite Father at MontargisTo Sister Marie Aimée de Morville, at MoulinsTo M. de Coysia, Counsellor to the Royal Senate of SavoyTo the Countess de Toulonjon, at PignerolTo Mgr. André Frémyot, formerly Archbishop of Bourges (the Saint's brother)To a blind SisterTo Sister Bonne Marie de Haraucourt at NancyTo Sister Paule Jéronyme de Monthoux, Sister Deposed, at BloisTo M. Noël Brulart, the Commander de SilleryTo the Countess de Toulonjon, at AlonneExtract from a letter to M. Noël Brulart, the Commander de Sillery, at ParisTo the Countess de ToulonjonTo Sister Marie Aimée de Rabutin, Mistress of Novices at AnnecyTo M. Noël Brulart, Commander de Sillery, at ParisTo Mother Marie Agnes Le Roy, Superior of the Second Monastery of ParisTo Sister Anne Louise de Marin de Saint Michel, Superior at ForcalquierTo the Abbê de VauxTo a great Servant of GodTo Mother Marie Aimée de Rabutin, Superior at ThononTo St. Vincent de Paul at ParisTo Sister Claire-Marie-Françoise de Cusance at GrayTo Sister Jeanne Benigne Gojos, Lay Sister at TurinTo the Sister Louise-Angélique de la Fayette, at the First Monastery of ParisTo Madame the Duchess de Montmorency (née des Ursins)To a Novice
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