Christianity - Commentary - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 6
A Paraphrase Upon the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians - Thomas BOSTON

A Paraphrase Upon the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians - Thomas BOSTON
- Author: Thomas BOSTON
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
The "Paraphrase on the Epistle to the Galatians" was written in his younger years, while he was minister of Simprin, for his own improvement, and not with any design of printing it; though, it is hoped, the publication of it now may be for the...
The Explanation of the Apocalypse - The Venerable Bede

The Explanation of the Apocalypse - The Venerable Bede
- Author: The Venerable Bede
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
The Explanation of the Apocalypse by Ven. Beda is the earliest of the many works of our own writers on that Book, and, as such, may well deserve to appear in a form accessible to English readers. The chief characteristics of Beda's method of...
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 47-56 - Cyril of Alexandria

Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 47-56 - Cyril of Alexandria
- Author: Cyril of Alexandria
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
Sermons 47 through 56 cover the Gospel According to Saint Luke 9:1-56. - Summary by the Reader...
St. John Chrysostom on 1 Timothy - St. John CHRYSOSTOM

St. John Chrysostom on 1 Timothy - St. John CHRYSOSTOM
- Author: St. John CHRYSOSTOM
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
Timothy was one of the disciples of the Apostle Paul, who had a deep affection for him, writing, "You know the proof of him, that as a son with a father, he has served with me in the Gospel." Philippians 2:22 Also to the Corinthians he writes: "I...
Catena Aurea: Gospel of St. Mark - Saint Thomas Aquinas

Catena Aurea: Gospel of St. Mark - Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Author: Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
The Catena Aurea (Golden Chain) presents the commentaries of the greatest theologians (e.g. St. John Chrysostom, St. Jerome, St. Augustine, etc.) of the Church as if they were having a discussion on each verse of the Bible. St. Thomas Aquinas put...
The Nature and Authority of Conscience - Rufus Jones

The Nature and Authority of Conscience - Rufus Jones
- Author: Rufus Jones
- Genre: Modern / Christianity - Commentary
Rufus Matthew Jones (January 25, 1863 – June 16, 1948) was an American religious leader, writer, magazine editor, philosopher, and college professor. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Haverford Emergency Unit (a precursor to the...
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 57-65 - Cyril of Alexandria

Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 57-65 - Cyril of Alexandria
- Author: Cyril of Alexandria
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
Sermons 57 through 65 cover the Gospel According to Luke 9:57 to 10:21. - Summary by the Reader...
St. Bonaventure's Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - Saint Bonaventure

St. Bonaventure's Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - Saint Bonaventure
- Author: Saint Bonaventure
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary / Christianity - Biographies
Seeing himself as "unequal to so great a task", St. Bonaventure nevertheless endeavored to introduce his readers to the practice of "the most beneficial of all devout exercises, and that which is most capable of leading [them] to the summit of...
The Epistle of St Paul to the Romans - Handley Carr Glyn Moule

The Epistle of St Paul to the Romans - Handley Carr Glyn Moule
- Author: Handley Carr Glyn Moule
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
He who attempts to expound the Epistle to the Romans, when his sacred task is over, is little disposed to speak about his Commentary; he is occupied rather with an ever deeper reverence and wonder over the Text which he has been permitted to handle,...
The Penny Catechism (Catechism of Christian Doctrine) - Catholic Truth Society

The Penny Catechism (Catechism of Christian Doctrine) - Catholic Truth Society
- Author: Catholic Truth Society
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
A question and answer format catechism that was the standard catechetical text in Great Britain throughout most of the 20th century. Popularly called the Penny Catechism, as the original version only cost one penny. Various editions of the Penny...
Christ and His Friends - Louis Albert Banks

Christ and His Friends - Louis Albert Banks
- Author: Louis Albert Banks
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
This is a series of sermons that were given in Hanson Place Methodist Episcopal Church in January 1895. They are here collected together by the author and presented "with the earnest prayer that they may bring comfort and inspiration to the friends...
Catena Aurea (Gospel of St. Luke - Part 2) - Saint Thomas Aquinas

Catena Aurea (Gospel of St. Luke - Part 2) - Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Author: Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
The Catena Aurea (Golden Chain) presents the commentaries of the greatest theologians (e.g. St. John Chrysostom, St. Jerome, St. Augustine, etc.) of the Church as if they were having a discussion on each verse of the Bible. St. Thomas Aquinas put...
Expositions on the Book of Psalms Vol. 3 - Psalms 53-75 - Saint Augustine of Hippo

Expositions on the Book of Psalms Vol. 3 - Psalms 53-75 - Saint Augustine of Hippo
- Author: Saint Augustine of Hippo
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
These sermons on the Psalms of the Holy Prophet and King David are as poetic as the Psalms themselves. They are well-suited for inspirational and devotional listening. - Summary by The Reader...
Scripture Texts with Expositions and Sentence-prayers from Calvin's Commentaries on the Minor Prophets - John Calvin

Scripture Texts with Expositions and Sentence-prayers from Calvin's Commentaries on the Minor Prophets - John Calvin
- Author: John Calvin
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
The prayers of John Calvin, however, have received little attention, as compared with the fame which crowns his theological writings. His commentaries upon Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the minor prophets were originally delivered in the form of...
The Catholic's Ready Answer - Rev. M. P. Hill

The Catholic's Ready Answer - Rev. M. P. Hill
- Author: Rev. M. P. Hill
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
A popular vindication of Christian beliefs and practices against the attacks of modern criticism. Ninety-eight topics, in alphabetical order, giving an explanation of the Catholic teachings on the subjects. (From the book and by Maria Therese)...
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 66-80 - Cyril of Alexandria

Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 66-80 - Cyril of Alexandria
- Author: Cyril of Alexandria
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
Sermons 66 through 80 cover the Gospel According to Luke 10:22 to 11:18. - Summary by the Reader...
Catena Aurea, St. John - Vol 4, Part 1 - Saint Thomas Aquinas

Catena Aurea, St. John - Vol 4, Part 1 - Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Author: Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
The Catena Aurea (Golden Chain) presents the commentaries of the greatest theologians (e.g. St. John Chrysostom, St. Jerome, St. Augustine, etc.) of the Church as if they were having a discussion on each verse of the Bible. St. Thomas Aquinas put...
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 111-125 - Cyril of Alexandria

Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 111-125 - Cyril of Alexandria
- Author: Cyril of Alexandria
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
Sermons 111 through 125 cover the Gospel According to Luke 16:19 through 18:34. (Summary by the reader)...
Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 12 - Cyril of Alexandria

Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 12 - Cyril of Alexandria
- Author: Cyril of Alexandria
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
Book 12 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 18:24-21:25. (Summary by the Reader)...
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 12-25 - Cyril of Alexandria

Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Sermons 12-25 - Cyril of Alexandria
- Author: Cyril of Alexandria
- Genre: Christianity - Commentary
Sermons 12-25 cover the Gospel of St Luke 4:1 - 6:17. - Summary by the Reader...