The spiritual classic The Greatest Thing In the World is a trenchant and tender analysis of Christian love as set forth in the thirteenth chapter of I Corinthians. The other addresses speak to other aspects of Christian life and thought. (Summary by Pattymarie)
01 The Greatest Thing In the World: Title Page and chapter titled The Greatest Thing in the World02 The greatest Thing In the World: The Contrast03 The Greatest Thing In the World: The Analysis Part I04 The Greatest Thing In the World: The Analysis Part II05 The Greatest Thing In the World: The Analysis Part III06 The Greatest Thing In the World: The Defense07 The Programme of Christianity: The Programme of Christianity08 The Programme of Christianity: The Founding of the Society09 The Programme of Christianity: The Programme of the Society10 The Programme of Christianity: The Machinery of the Society11 The City Without a Church: I Saw the City12 The City Without a Church: His Servants Shall Serve13 The City Without a Church: I Saw No Temple There14 The Changed Life: The Changed Life15 The Changed Life: The Formula For Sanctification16 The Changed Life: The Alchemy of Influence part 117 The Changed Life: The Alchemy of Influence part 218 The Changed Life: The First Experiment19 Pax Vobiscum: Introductory20 Pax Vobiscum: Effects Require Causes21 Pax Vobiscum: What Yokes Are For22 Pax Vobiscum: How Fruits Grow
The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses - Henry Drummond - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at