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Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, Volume 1 (January-March) - John Gilmary Shea Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, Volume 1 (January-March) - John Gilmary Shea

Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints : with reflections for every day in the year : compiled from "Butler's Lives" and other approved sources : to which are added lives of the American saints : placed on the calendar for the United States by special petition of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore - Summary from the book itself
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The Movable FeastsLives of the American SaintsJanuary 1 - The Circumcision of our LordJanuary 2 - St. Fulgentius, Bishop and St. Macarius of AlexandriaJanuary 3 - St. Genevieve, VirginJanuary 4 - St. Titus, Bishop and St. Gregory, BishopJanuary 5 - St. Simeon StylitesJanuary 6 - The Epiphany of Our LordJanuary 7 - St. Lucian, MartyrJanuary 8 - St. Apollinaris, the Apologist, BishopJanuary 9 - Ss. Julian and Basilissa, MartyrsJanuary 10 - St. William, ArchbishopJanuary 11 - St. Theodosius, The CenobiarchJanuary 12 - St. Aelred, AbbotJanuary 13 - St. Veronica of MilanJanuary 14 - St. Hilary of PoitiersJanuary 15 - St. Paul, the First HermitJanuary 16 - St. Honoratus, ArchbishopJanuary 17 - St. Antony, Patriarch of MonksJanuary 18 - St. Peter's Chair at RomeJanuary 19 - St. Canutus, King, MartyrJanuary 20 - St. Sebastian, MartyrJanuary 21 - St. Agnes, Virgin, MartyrJanuary 22 - St. Vincent, MartyrJanuary 23 - St. Raymund of PennafortJanuary 24 - St. Timothy, Bishop, MartyrJanuary 25 - The Conversion of St. PaulJanuary 26 - St. Polycarp, Bishop, MartyrJanuary 27 - St. John ChrysostomJanuary 28 - St. Cyril of AlexandriaJanuary 29 - St. Francis of SalesJanuary 30 - St. Bathildes, QueenJanuary 31 - St. Marcella, WidowFebruary 1 - St. Bridgid, Abbess, and Patroness of Ireland and St. Ignatius, Bishop, MartyrFebruary 2 - The Purification, Commonly Called Candlemas-DayFebruary 3 - St. Blase, Bishop and MartyrFebruary 4 - St. Jane of ValoisFebruary 5 - St. Agatha, Virgin, Martyr and The Martyrs of JapanFebruary 6 - St. Dorothy, Virgin, MartyrFebruary 7 - St. Romuald, AbbotFebruary 8 - St. John of MathaFebruary 9 - St. Apollonia and the Martyrs of AlexandriaFebruary 10 - St. Scholastica, AbbessFebruary 11 - St. Severinus, Abbot of AgaunumFebruary 12 - St. Benedict of AnianFebruary 13 - St. Catherine of RicciFebruary 14 - St. Valentine, Priest and MartyrFebruary 15 - Sts. Faustinus and Jovita, MartyrsFebruary 16 - Blessed John de Britto, Martyr and St. Onesimus, Disciple of St. PaulFebruary 17 - St. Flavian, Bishop, MartyrFebruary 18 - St. Simeon, Bishop, MartyrFebruary 19 - St. Barbatus, BishopFebruary 20 - St. Eucherius, BishopFebruary 21 - St. Severianus, Martyr, BishopFebruary 22 - St. Peter's Chair at AntiochFebruary 23 - St. Peter Damian and St. Serenus, a Gardener, MartyrFebruary 24 - St. Matthias, ApostleFebruary 25 - St. TarasiusFebruary 26 - St. Porphyry, BishopFebruary 27 - St. Leander, BishopFebruary 28 - Sts. Romanus and Lupicinus, AbbotsFebruary 29 - St. Oswald, BishopMarch 1 - St. David, Bishop and St. Albinus, BishopMarch 2 - St. Simplicius, PopeMarch 3 - St. Cunegundes, EmpressMarch 4 - St. Casimir, KingMarch 5 - Sts. Adrian and Eubulus, MartyrsMarch 6 - St. Colette, VirginMarch 7 - St. Thomas AquinasMarch 8 - St. John of GodMarch 9 - St. Frances of RomeMarch 10 - The Forty Martyrs of SebasteMarch 11 - St. Eulogius, MartyrMarch 12 - St. Gregory the GreatMarch 13 - St. Euphrasia, VirginMarch 14 - St. Maud. QueenMarch 15 - St. Zachary, PopeMarch 16 - Sts. Abraham and MaryMarch 17 - St. Patrick, Bishop, Apostle of IrelandMarch 18 - St. Cyril of JerusalemMarch 19 - St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin and Patron of the Universal ChurchMarch 20 - St. Wulfran, ArchbishopMarch 21 - St. Benedict, AbbotMarch 22 - St. Catharine of Sweden, VirginMarch 23 - Sts. Victorian and Others, MartyrsMarch 24 - St. Simon, Infant MartyrMarch 25 - The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin MaryMarch 26 - St. Ludger, BishopMarch 27 - St. John of EgyptMarch 28 - St. Gontran, KingMarch 29 - Sts. Jonas, Barachisius, and their Companions, MartyrsMarch 30 - St. John ClimacusMarch 31 - St. Benjamin, Deacon, Martyr
Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, Volume 1 (January-March) - John Gilmary Shea - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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