Join a journey through the Holy Land and Syria as it existed in the early 20th century. Visiting and learning of Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Palestine and other fascinating and sacred spots of this truly historic region. Summary by BettyB.
Just a Word Before We StartIn the Land of GoshenThe City of JonahBy Railway to the Land of JudeaFrom Dan to BeershebaJerusalem in the 20th CenturyAround the Walls of the Holy CityThe Tribes of God Go ThitherOn the Site of Solomon's TempleJews of JerusalemThe Evil EyeEaster in JerusalemWashing the Feet of the ApostlesA Talk with the Greek PatriarchAmong the Money ChangersExcavating Old JerichoThe Dead Sea and the JordanBethlehemAmong the SamaritansFarming in the Land of Milk and HoneyThe Colonies and Their DevelopmentWhere Our Savior Spent His BoyhoodOn the Sea of GalileeThe Zionist MovementThe World's Oldest CityShopping in the Street Called StraightThe Veiled Women of DamascusBaalbek the WonderfulAcross the Lebanon Mountains by RailAmerican Leaven in the Near EastAt the Shrine of Diana of the EphesiansArmenia, the SufferingPalestine and Syria Under New Rulers
The Holy Land and Syria - Frank G. Carpenter - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at