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The Junior Classics Volume 1: Fairy and Wonder Tales - William PATTEN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

The Junior Classics Volume 1: Fairy and Wonder Tales - William PATTEN

The purpose of The Junior Classics is to provide, in ten volumes containing about five thousand pages, a classified collection of tales, stories, and poems, both ancient and modern, suitable for boys and girls of from six to sixteen years of age. (summary from book introduction)

This collection consists of Volume 1 of The Junior Classics, and it contains many well known stories in their original forms. Among stories from other authors, you'll find Hans Christian Anderson, Aesop, and the Grimm brothers.

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PrefaceManabozho, The Mischief MakerThe WoodpeckerWhy the Diver Duck Has So Few Tail FeathersManabozho Changed to WolfManabozho is RobbedManabozho and the WoodpeckersThe Boy and the WolvesThe Indian Who Lost His WifePunchkinThe Sun, Moon and WindWhy the Fish LaughedThe Farmer and Money LenderPride Goeth Before a FallThe Wicked SonsTiger, Brahman, and JackalThe LambikinThe Rat's WeddingThe Jackal and the PartridgeThe Jackal and the CrocodileThe Jackal and the IguanaThe Bear's Bad BargainThe Thief and the FoxThe Farmer and the FoxThe Fools and the DrumThe Lion and the GoatThe Glowworm and JackdawThe Camel and the PigThe Dog and the Dog DealerThe Tiger, Fox, and HuntersThe Sea, the Fox, and the WolfThe Fox in the WellAshiepattleThe Squire's BrideThe Doll in the GrassThe Bear and the FoxThe Lad Who Went to the North WindThe Husband Who Was to Mind the HouseHow One Went Out to WooWhy the Bear is Stumpy-TailedBoots and the PrincessThe Witch in the Stone BoatThe SnuffboxThe Golden BlackbirdThe Half-ChickThe Three BrothersThe Glass MountainHuntsman the UnluckyStory of Little SimpletonThe Golden FishThe Wonderful HairThe Language of AnimalsThe Emperor Trojan's EarsThe Maiden Who Was Wiser Than the KingThe Three SonsHok Lee and the DwarfsA Dreadful BoarThe Five Queer BrothersThe Accomplished TeakettleAdventures of Little PeachlingThe Two LizardsDe King and De PeafowlHansel and GrethelThumblingThe Six SwansSnow-White and Rose-RedThe Ugly DucklingThe Tinder-BoxThe Constant Tin SoldierThe Fir TreeThe Flying TrunkThe Darning NeedlePen and InkstandCinderellaLittle Red Riding-HoodThe Story of the Three BearsPuss in BootsJack the Giant-KillerTom ThumbBlue BeardThe Brave Little TailorThe Sleeping BeautyThe Fair One with Golden LocksBeauty and the BeastJack and the BeanstalkHop-o'-My-ThumbGoose-Girl, TheHe Who Knew Not FearThe Town Mouse and the Country MouseThe Man, Boy, and DonkeyThe Shepherd's BoyAndroclesThe Fox and the StorkThe Crow and the PitcherThe Frogs Desiring a KingThe Frog and the OxThe Cock and the PearlThe Fox Without a TailThe Fox and the CatThe Dog in the MangerThe Fox and the GoatBelling the CatThe Jay and the PeacockThe Ass and the Lap-DogThe Ant and the GrasshopperThe Woodman and the SerpentThe Milkmaid and Her PailThe Lion and the MouseHercules and the WaggonerThe Lion's ShareThe Fox and the CrowThe Dog and the ShadowThe Wolf and the LambThe Bat, Birds, and BeastsThe Belly and the MembersThe Fox and the GrapesThe Swallow and the Birds
The Junior Classics Volume 1: Fairy and Wonder Tales - William PATTEN - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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