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When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels - George HODGES Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels - George HODGES

THIS tells how once the King of Glory came from heaven to visit us here on earth and live amongst us; how He was born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth; how He went about telling people of the Heavenly Kingdom, and doing good, ministering to the sick and the poor; how He was misunderstood, and disliked, and even hated, till at last they took Him in Jerusalem and nailed Him to a cross so that He died; and how, after that, He came to life again, and went back into heaven, promising to return. (Summary from the Preface of When the King Came)

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Preface and The Year OneThe Herald of the KingShepherds and Singing AngelsThe King's NameThe King is Taken to the TempleThe Visit of the Wise MenThe Carpenter's HouseAt the Age of TwelveThe Herald SpeaksHeaven and the RiverThe Three TemptationsThe Twelve FriendsThe King Goes to a WeddingThe King Among His NeighborsA Day of the King's LifeThe Broken RoofThe Pool of the AngelThe King Stops a FuneralThe Stilling of a StormThe Wild Man of GergesaThe Minister's Little DaughterThe Sermon on the MountThe Sermon of the Seven StoriesThe Herald's HeadTwelve Baskets of PiecesWhy the King was HatedIn the Land of Tyre and SidonWhat a Blind Man SawA Rock for a Corner-StoneThe King in His BeautyThe Lad at the Foot of the HillThe Good SamaritanThe Prodigal SonThe Rich Man and the BeggarAt the Grave of LazarusOn the Way to JerusalemIn the Streets of JerichoPalms and PsalmsThree Days of the Holy WeekPharisees and Sadducees and Wedding GuestsThe Last SupperIn the Garden of GethsemaneChrist Before CaiaphusChrist Before PilateCrucified, Dead, and BuriedThe Empty TombThe King Walks with Two DisciplesThe Vision of the Seven FishermanThe King Returns to Heaven
When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels - George HODGES - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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