While a bit outdated in many of the more complex descriptions of several of the phenomena described, this book is nonetheless still fun and relevant for a person interested in basic chemistry or physics tricks, and the devices built in the book can be easily replicated with more modern materials. The book is split up into many little experiments, tricks, with an explanation on how it works, what's happening, and how to reproduce the effects at home.(summary by Kyle Van DeGlast)
How to do Chemical TricksChemical Affinity, Sympathetic InksAlum Baskets, Easy CrystallizationsCharcoal Coated with Gold, SilverCombustionChemistry of the AirAmateur Air Pump, Asphyxia, Balloon in a Vacuum, Boiling Cold Water, A Sucking Tube, CuppingThe Barometer, A Novel BarometerCompressed AirNoiseless Bell, The Bursting Bladder, Weight of the AirSpoons Which Will Melt in Hot WaterEffect of CompressionTo Cover Iron with CopperThe ElementsPotassium, Metallic ColorsCrystallization of MetalsCrystallization, Beauties of CrystallizationTo Crystallize CamphorA Solid Change to a LiquidMagic of Heat, Sublimation by Heat, Heat Passing Through Glass, Metals Unequally Influenced by HeatSpontaneous Combustion, Inequality of Heat in Fire-Irons, Expasion of Metal by HeatThe Alchemist's Ink, Chameleon Liquids, Magic Dyes, Wine Changed into WaterThe Chemistry of WaterTwo Bitters Make a SweetVisible and InvisibleTo Form a Liquid from Two Solids, Restoration of Color by Water, Two Liquids Make a Solid, Two Solids Make a Liquid, A Solid Opaque Mass Makes a Transparent Liquid, Two Cold Liquids Make a Hot OneTo Make IceCurious Change of Colors, The Protean Lights, To Change the Colors of Flowers, Changes of the Poppy, Changes of the RoseMarking IndeliblyVisible GrowthColored FlamesWater of Different Temperatures in the Same VesselWarmth of Different ColorsLaughing GasMagic Vapor, Gas from the Union of MetalsGreen Fire, Combustion of Three MetalsTo Make Paper Apparently IncombustibleHeat Not to be Estimated by TouchFlame Upon Water, Rose-colored Flame Upon WaterCurrents in Boiling Water, Hot Water Lighter than Cold, Expansion of Water by ColdThe Cup of TantalusThe Magic WhirlpoolFire Under WaterTo Light SteelA Test of LoveAn Egg Pushed Into a Wine BottleA Chemical FountainWeighing GasesIn Water but not WetImage of a VolcanoReciprocal ImagesImitation of Animal TintsMelting a CoinExplosive GasCold from EvaporationSelf-Dancing EggFlash of Fire in a RoomCast Iron DropsExplosion without Heat, Fiery PowderIlluminationSun and SpiritStars in WasterParlor BallooningMarvelousMutability, the end
How to Do Chemical Tricks - A. T. ANDERSON - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/