Audio Books » Biography & Autobiography » The Many-Sided Franklin - Paul Leicester FORD
The Many-Sided Franklin - Paul Leicester FORD Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

The Many-Sided Franklin - Paul Leicester FORD

A fast-paced, somewhat racey look into the life, accomplishments and idiosyncrasies of Benjamin Franklin. Acclaimed biographer Paul L. Ford uses Franklin’s letters, papers and journals to step us through Franklin's many adventures, to reveal intimate details of his personal life - relations with siblings, wife, children, friends, business partners; his physique, health, illnesses, schooling, personal habits and goals; his opinions on education, philosophy, religion, friendship, industry; his library; his career as printer and publisher, writer and journalist, politician and diplomat, scientist, humorist, jack of all trades; and his relations at home and abroad with the “fairer sex“. Goes beyond the official Autobiography. A must read for Franklin devotees. - Summary by Michele Fry, Soloist
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1.1 Family Relations1.2 Family Relations2.1 Physique, Theories and Appetites2.2 Physique, Theories and Appetites2.3 Physique, Theories and Appetites3.1 Education3.2 Education4.1 Religion4.2 Religion4.3 Religion5.1 Printer and Publisher5.2 Printer and Publisher6.1 Writer and Journalist6.2 Writer and Journalist6.3 Writer and Journalist7.1 Relations With The Fair Sex7.2 Relations With The Fair Sex7.3 Relations With The Fair Sex8.1 Jack of all Trades8.2 Jack of all Trades8.3 Jack of all Trades9.1 The Scientist9.2 The Scientist10.1 The Humorist10.2 The Humorist11.1 Politician and Diplomat11.2 Politician and Diplomat11.3 Politician and Diplomat12.1 Social Life12.2 Social Life12.3 Social Life
The Many-Sided Franklin - Paul Leicester FORD - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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