Philip Melanchthon (1497 – 1560) is best known as the theologian of the Protestant Reformation, systematizing and defending much of Martin Luther’s works and creating an educational system based on them. He was instrumental in the writing of the Augsburg Confession, the most influential document of the Reformation. Melanchthon and Luther, of different temperaments, did not always agree but respected each other and became a formidable spearhead for the Reformation.
Karl Ledderhose here provides a comprehensive biography of Melanchthon including his principle ideas and activities, so it also serves as a history of many important aspects of the Reformation.
- Summary by Larry Wilson
PrefacesHis YouthThe UniversityHis Debut in Wittenberg, and at the Leipzig DisputationBuilding and FightingMelanchthon without LutherLabors, Recreation, and TroubleThe War of the PeasantsHis Labors for the Church and SchoolsThe Diet of SpireThe Conference at MarburgThe Diet of Augsburg Part IThe Diet of Augsburg Part IIThe Diet of Augsburg Part IIIThe Diet of Augsburg Part IVThe Position of the Evangelical Party after the Diet of AugsburgThe Kings of France and England, and MelanchthonThe Wittenberg Form of ConcordRecreation and TroubleThe Convention at SmalkaldThe Assembly of the Princes at Frankfort, and the Victories of the Reformation Help in a Dangerous IllnessConflicts in the Evangelical CampWorms and Ratisbon Part IWorms and Ratisbon Part IIProgress of the ReformationThe School of TribulationWorms and Ratisbon againLuther Dies, and Melanchthon MournsWar and the Misery of WarRestoration of the University of WittenbergThe Diet of Augsburg and its InterimHow the Interim fared in the Electorate of SaxonyDisputes about the Leipzig InterimThe Conflict with OsianderThe Changed Attitude of the Elector MauriceDoctrinal Controversies, and Attempts to bring about a Union Part IDoctrinal Controversies, and Attempts to bring about a Union Part IIThe Religious Conference at WormsThe Last Years of his Life, real Years of Sorrow Part IThe Last Years of his Life, real Years of Sorrow Part IIHis Domestic LifeSomething more of Melanchthon's MeritsHe Dies Part IHe Dies Part IIHe Dies Part III
The Life of Philip Melanchthon - Karl Friedrich Ledderhose - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at