While the Mark Twain Project has created and released a three-volume Mark Twain autobiography with extensive annotations, in the 21st century, this two-volume autobiography was published in 1924 and contains many works never before released. It came 14 years after Twain's death and so, "speaking from the grave", he felt he could be "as frank and free and unembarrassed as a love letter". The autobiographical chapters that he published years earlier in the North American Review, were selected more for their acceptability and potential popularity than for their completely true reflection of his inner thoughts. With the publication of Mark Twain's Autobiography in 1924, the world was introduced to a much more frank and less restrained Twain than had heretofore been seen or heard. This partial Autobiography, in two volumes, consisting of about two-fifths of his known material, was compiled by a personal friend and literary executor Albert Bigelow Paine, who at the time had exclusive access to Twain's papers. - Summary by John Greenman and Wikipedia
The audiobook "Mark Twain's Autobiography: With An Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine - Volume II - Mark Twain" - Listen to popular best audio books online for free
New York, Tuesday, January 23, 1906 - About a meeting at Carnegie Hall, in the interest of Booker Washington's Tuskegee InstituteTHE CHARACTER OF MANNew York, Wednesday, January 24, 1906 - Mr. Blaine for the Presidency, Clemens's, Twichell's, Goodwin's votes for Cleveland.New York, Thursday, February 1, 1906 - Subject of January 24th continued.--Mr. Twichell's unpopular vote.New York, February 1, 1906New York, Friday, February 2, 1906 - Subject of February first continued.--The death of Susy Clemens. Ends with mention of Dr. John Brown.New York, Monday, February 5, 1906 - Dr. John Brown continued.--Incidents connected with Susy Clemens's childhood.--Bad spelling, etc.New York, Tuesday, February 6, 1906 - Playing "The Prince and the Pauper."--Acting charades, etc.Wednesday, February 7, 1906 - Susy Clemens's biography of her father.--Mr. Clemens's opinion of critics, etc.New York, Thursday, February 8, 1906 - Susy Clemens's bio (cont.).New York, Friday, February 9, 1906 - Susy's ref. to "The Prince and the Pauper."New York, Monday, February 12, 1906 - Susy's bio cont.--Tricks played in "Tom Sawyer."--Skating on the Mississippi with Tom Nash, etc.New York, Tuesday, February 13, 1906 - Susy's bio cont.--1st meeting of Mr. Clemens and Miss Langdon.--Miss Langdon an invalid.--Doctor Newton.New York, Wednesday, February 14, 1906 - About the accident which prolonged Mr. Clemens's visit at the Langdons'.New York, Thursday, February 15, 1906 - Susy's bio cont.--Death of Mr. Langdon.--Birth of Langdon Clemens.Friday, February 16, 1906 - Susy's biography mentions little Langdon.--The change of residence from Buffalo to Hartford.--Mr. Clemens tells of the sale of his Buffalo paper.Tuesday, February 20, 1906 - About Rear-Admiral Wilkes.--And meeting Mr. Anson Burlingame in Honolulu.New York, Wednesday, February 21, 1906 - Mr. Langdon just escapes being a railway magnate.New York, Thursday, February 22, 1906 - Susy's on grandfather Langdon.--Mr. Clemens tells about Mr. Atwater, Mr. David Gray, and about meeting David Gray, Jr.Friday, February 23, 1906 - Mr. Clemens tells how he became a business man.Monday, February 26, 1906 - Susy & mother in New York.--Aunt Clara at the Everett House.--The omnibus incident in Germany.--Aunt Clara ill at Hoffman House--Clemens takes Susy to see General Grant--Clemens gives his first reading in New York--Memorial to Mr. Longfellow, and one in Washington.Monday, March 5, 1906 - Mrs. Clemens's warning when he attends the Cleveland White House .--The Paris house in 1893--also room in Villa Viviani--also dining-room at Riverdale.--Letter from Mr. Gilder regarding Mr. Cleveland's sixty-ninth birthday.--Mason.Tuesday, March 6, 1906 - Clemens makes Baby Ruth intercede in behalf of Mason, and is retained in his place.--Clemens's letter to ex-President Cleveland.--Cleveland as sheriff, in Buffalo.--As Mayor, he vetoes ordinance of railway corporation.--Clemens and Cable visit Governor Cleveland at Albany.Wednesday, March 7, 1906 - Susy's bio cont.--Susy and her father go over Brooklyn Bridge.--On the way to Vassar, discuss German profanity.--Clemens tells of German nurse.--Clemens's opinion of girls.--Talks to Barnard girls this afternoon.Thursday, March 8, 1906 - Letter from brother of Captain Tonkray.-- original of "Huckleberry Finn" Tom Blankenship.--Tom's father Town Drunkard.--Death of Injun Joe.--Incident of the Episcopal sextons.--Mr. Dawson's school in Hannibal.--Arch Fuqua's great gift.Friday, March 9, 1906 - Clemens on schoolmates in Dawson's Hannibal school: George RoBards and Mary Moss; John RoBards; John Garth and Helen Kercheval.--Kercheval's slave woman and his apprentice saved Clemens from drowning.--Meredith, Civil War guerilla chief.--Will and Sam Bowen, Mississippi pilots--died of yellow fever.Monday, March 12, 1906 - Clemens on the killing of 600 Moros--men, women and children--near Jolo in the Philippines--our troops commanded by General Wood.--Contrasts this "battle" with other military history.--The newspapers on the announcements.--The President's message of congratulation.Wednesday, March 14, 1906 - Moro slaughter cont.--Luncheon for Geo. Harvey.--Opinions of the guests as to Moro fight.--General Wood cable explaining and apologizing.--President Roosevelt's joy.--McKinley's joy over capture of Aguinaldo.Monday, March 5, 1906 - (Dictated March 15th) Clemens talks to West Side YMCA in Majestic Theater.--Patrick's funeral.--Luncheon at Hartford Club.--Clemens meets 11old friends.--Twichell's story on board the "Kanawha," about Richard Croker's father.--The Mary Ann story!--Decoration Day and Twichell's interrupted prayer.Friday, March 16, 1906 - Schoolmates of 60 years ago: Mary Miller, Artimisia Briggs, & Mary Lacy, early sweethearts--Jimmie McDaniel, and Clemens' first humorous story.--Richmond, Sunday-school teacher & owner of Tom Sawyer's cave.--Hickman, the showy young captain.--Reuel Gridley, and the sack of flour.--The Levin Jew boys called Twenty-two.--George Butler, nephew of Ben Butler.--Will Bowen & catching the measles.Wednesday, March 21, 1906 - Mental telegraphy.--Letter from Jock Brown.--Search for Dr. John Brown's letters a failure.--Twichell and his wife, Harmony, have an adventure in Scotland.--Twichell's picture of a military execution.--Players' Club foundation & Mismanagement leading to Clemens'expulsion.Friday, March 22, 1906 - Susy's biography.--Langdon's illness and death.--Susy on meeting Dr. John Brown, Charles Kingsley, Henry M. Stanley, Sir Thomas Hardy, Henry Irving, Robert Browning, Sir Charles Dilke, Charles Reade, William Black, Lord Houghton, Frank Buckland, Tom Hughes, Anthony Trollope, Tom Hood, Dr. Macdonald, and Harrison Ainsworth.--Clemens meets Lewis Carroll--Luncheon at Lord Houghton's.--Letters from Mr. and Mrs. Clemens to Dr. Brown.Friday, March 23, 1906 - Some curious letter superscriptions which have come to Clemens.--Our inefficient postal system under Postmaster-General Key.--Reminiscences of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe.--Story of Rev. Charlie Stowe's little boy.Monday, March 26, 1906 - Clemens comments on newspaper clipping.--Tells Howells the scheme of this autobiography.--Tells the newspaper account of girl who tried to commit suicide.--Newspapers in remote villages and in great cities contrasted.--Remarks about Capt. E. L. Marsh and Dick Higham.--Higbie's letter, and "Herald" letter to Higbie.Tuesday, March 27, 1906 - Higbie's spelling.--Clemens's scheme for getting Higbie a job at the Pioneer.--In 1863 Clemens goes to Virginia City to be sole reporter on "Territorial Enterprise."--Clemens tries his scheme for finding employment for the unemployed, on a young St. Louis reporter, with great success. Also worked the scheme for his nephew, Samuel E. Moffett.Wednesday, March 28, 1906 - Orion Clemens's personality.--His adventure at the house of Dr. Meredith.--Death of Clemens' father, just after having been made county judge.Thursday, March 29, 1906 - Clemens as apprentice to Ament.--Wilhelm H's dinner.--Printing of Rev. Campbell's sermon.--Orion buys Hannibal "Journal," goes to Muscatine, Iowa, and marries.--Clemens visits St. Louis, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, & to Muscatine to work with Orion's --gets Horace Bixby to train him as pilot--starts with Orion for Nevada.Friday, March 30, 1906 - Clemens's interview with Tchaykoffsky.--Presides at a meeting of association for the adult blind.--First meeting with Helen Keller.--Helen Keller's letter, which Clemens read at this meeting.Monday, April 2, 1906 - Government of new Territory of Nevada.--Gov. Nye and the practical jokers.--Clemens begins journalistic life on Virginia City "Enterprise"--reports legislative sessions.--He and Orion prosper.--Orion builds $12,000 house.--Gov. Nye turns Territory of Nevada into a state.Wednesday, April 4, 1906 - The Morris case again.--Scope of this autobiography, a mirror.--More about Nast sale; laurels for Clemens.--Clippings in regard to Woman's University Club reception; Clemens comments on them.--Vassar benefit at Hudson Theater; Clemens meets many old friends.Thursday, April 5, 1906 - Ellen Terry's farewell banquet, on 50th anniversary.--Clemens' cablegram.--Clemens has fine new idea for a play; Hammond Trumbull squelches it.--Orion Clemens is defeated as Secretary of State.--At Camp's suggestion Clemens speculates unfortunately.--Camp offers to buy Tennessee land for $200,000.--Orion refuses.--Clemens discovers he still owns 1,000 acres of the Tennessee land.--Orion gets position on Hartford "Evening Post."--returns to Keokuk to raise chickens.Friday, April 6, 1906 - Clemens's present house unsatisfactory because of no sunshine.---Clemens meets Etta in Washington Square. Recalls ballroom in Virginia City 44 years ago.--Orion resumed; he invents wood-sawing machine; invents steam canal boat.--Orion's autobiography.--His death.Monday, April 9, 1906 - Letter from French girl inclosing cable about "Huck Finn."--The Juggernaut Club.--Letter from librarian of Brooklyn Public Library in regard to "Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom Sawyer."--Clemens' reply.--Deluge of reporters trying to discover contents of letter.Tuesday, April 10, 1906 - Child's letter about "Huckleberry Finn" being flung out of Concord Library.--Ambassador White's autobiography.--Clemens' version of the Fiske-Cornell episode.--Another scheme for employing the unemployed.--This client wins the Fiske lawsuit.Wednesday, April 11, 1906 - Frank Fuller and his enthusiastic launching of Clemens's first New York lecture.--Results not in fortune, but in fame.--Leads to a lecture tour under direction of Redpath.--Clipping in regard to Frank Fuller, and Clemens' comments.
Mark Twain's Autobiography: With An Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine - Volume II - Mark Twain - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/