This is the first volume in the ten volume collection of the world's most famous orations, as compiled by William Jennings Bryant and Francis Whiting Halsey. The first volume concerns ancient Greece, and contains such famous persons as Achilles, Pericles, and Socrates, with their most famous (legendary or traditional) orations and speeches. - Summary by Carolin
PrefaceIntroductionAchilles’ Reply to the Envoys by HomerPericles - I. - In Favor of the Peloponnesian WarPericles - II. - On Those Who Died in the WarPericles - III. - In Defense of HimselfCleon - On the Punishment of the MytileneansAlcibiades - I. - In Support of the Athenian Expedition to SicilyAlcibiades - II. - To the SpartansNicias - Against the Sicilian ExpeditionHermocrates - On the Union of Sicily Against InvadersLysias - Against EratosthenesSocrates - I. - In His Own DefenseSocrates - II. - On Being Declared GuiltySocrates - III. - On Being Condemned to DeathIsocrates - On the Union of Greece to Resist PersiaIsaeus - In the Suit Against Dicæogenes and LeocharesDemosthenes - I. - The Second Oration Against PhilipDemosthenes - II. - On the State of the Chersonesus, part 1Demosthenes - II. - On the State of the Chersonesus, part 2Demosthenes - III. - On the Crown, part 1Demosthenes - III. - On the Crown, part 2Demosthenes - III. - On the Crown, part 3Aeschines - Against Ctesiphon; Or, On the Crown, part 1Aeschines - Against Ctesiphon; Or, On the Crown, part 2Aeschines - Against Ctesiphon; Or, On the Crown, part 3Dinarchus - Against Demosthenes
The World's Famous Orations, Vol. I: Greece - Various - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at