The Living Animals of the Natural world, subtitled "a popular Natural History", proposed to present the most updated version of the wonders of the Animal World in a new and clearer form. It used photography instead of the traditional illustrations of the life of beasts, birds, fishes, insects, corals, and the subjects photographed were obtained from every part of the world, many of them from the most distant islands of the Southern Ocean, the great barrier reef of Australia, the New Zealand hills, the Indian jungle, the South African veldt, and the rivers of British Columbia. But not only the illustrations were important, since the attention given to the descriptive portion of the work was also meticulous, and the Editor had the assistance of specialists, eminent alike in the world of science and practical discovery. The result is a very thorough picture of human knowledge of the animal world at the time of publication, in 1902. - Summary by Leni
The Ostrich and its KindredThe Game-Birds and RailsPidgeons and Sand-GrouseAuks, Gulls, and PloversBustards and CranesGrebes and Divers, Penguins and Tube-Nosed BirdsStorks, Herons and Pelican Tribe, part 1Storks, Herons and Pelican Tribe, part 2Screamers, Ducks, Geese and SwansBirds of Prey and OwlsNight-Jars, Swifts, and Humming-BirdsParrots, Cuckoos, and Plantain-EatersRollers, Kingfishers, Hornbills, and HoopoesBee-Eaters, Motmots, Todies, Colies, and TrogonsToucans, Honey-Guides, Jacamars and Puff-Birds, Barbets and WoodpeckersThe Perching BirdsLarks, Titmice, Honey-Eaters, and Their KindredShrikes, Thrushes and Their Allies, Swallows, Lyre-Birds, Chatterers, Broad-Bills, etc.Crocodiles and AlligatorsTortoises and TurtlesLizards, part 1Lizards, part 2Chamaeleons and TuateraSnakesFrogs and ToadsNewts and SalamandersLung-Fishes and ChimaerasThe Perch FamilyScaly-Fins, Red Mullets, Sea-Breams, Scorpion-Fishes, Slime-Heads, Tassel-Fish, Meagres, and Sword-FishesHair-Tails, Horse-Mackerels, Sea-Bats, Dories, Mackerels, Sucking-Fishes, Weavers, Frog-Fishes, Angler-Fishes, Bull-Heads, and GurnardsLump-Suckers, Gobies, Blennies, Barracudas, Grey Mullets, Sticklebacks And Their Allies, Garpike, and Flying-FishesThe Wrasse-Like FishesPipe-Fishes, Sea-Horses, Globe-Fishes, Sun-Fishes, and Their AlliesThe Cod FamilyCave-Fishes, Sand-Eels And Their Allies, and Flat-FishesEels and Cat-FishesThe Carp FamilyPikes, Arapaimas, Beaked Salmon, and ScopelidsThe Salmon FamilyThe Herring and Its KindredBony Pike, Bow-Fin, Sturgeon, Reed-Fish, and BichirSharks and RaysThe Crab and Scorpion GroupsInsects, part 1: Sheath-Winged Insects, or Beetles;Insects, part 2: Straight-Winged Insects, or Earwigs, Cockroaches, Soothsayers, Stick-Insects, Crickets, Grasshoppers, and Locusts; Nerve-Winged or Lace-Winged Insects, or Dragon-Flies and Their Relatives.Insects, part 3: Stinging Four-Winged Insects, or Ants, Bees and Wasps, and Their AlliesInsects, part 4: Scale-Winged Insects, or Butterflies and MothsInsects, part 5: Half-Winged Insects, or Bugs and Frog-HoppersInsects, part 6: Two-Winged Insects, or FliesShell-Fish, or MolluscsLamp-ShellsStar-Fishes, Sea-Urchins, etc.Moss AnimalsWormsCorals, Sea-Anemones, and Jelly-FishesSponges and Animalcules
The Living Animals of the World, Volume 2 - Various - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at