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The Aesop for Children - Aesop

A collection of Aesop's fables for children from the classic American book illustrated by Milo Winter. Read along and see the illustrations at: (Summary by Jill Engle)
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Fables 1-4: The Wolf and the Kid; The Tortoise and the Ducks; The Young Crab and His Mother; The Frogs and the OxFables 5-8: The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox; Belling the Cat; The Eagle and the Jackdaw; The Boy and the FilbertsFables 9-12: Hercules and the Wagoner; The Kid and the Wolf; The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse; The Fox and the GrapesFables 13-16: The Bundle of Sticks; The Wolf and the Crane; The Ass and His Driver; The Oxen and the WheelsFables 17-20: The Lion and the Mouse; The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf; The Gnat and the Bull; The Plane TreeFables 21-24: The Farmer and the Stork; The Sheep and the Pig; The Travelers and the Purse; The Lion and the AssFables 25-28: The Frogs Who Wished for a King; The Owl and the Grasshopper; The Wolf and His Shadow; The Oak and the ReedsFables 29-32: The Rat and the Elephant; The Boys and the Frogs; The Crow and the Pitcher; The Ants and the GrasshopperFables 33-36: The Ass Carrying the Image; A Raven and a Swan; The Two Goats; The Ass and the Load of SaltFables 37-40: The Lion and the Gnat; The Leap at Rhodes; The Cock and the Jewel; The Monkey and the CamelFables 41-44: The Wild Boar and the Fox; The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion; The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat; The Lion, the Bear, and the FoxFables 45-48: The Wolf and the Lamb; The Wolf and the Sheep; The Hares and the Frogs; The Fox and the StorkFables 49-52: The Travelers and the Sea; The Wolf and the Lion; The Stag and His Reflection; The PeacockFables 53-56: The Mice and the Weasels; The Wolf and the Lean Dog; The Fox and the Lion; The Lion and the AssFables 57-60: The Dog and His Master's Dinner; The Vain Jackdaw and his Borrowed Feathers; The Monkey and the Dolphin; The Wolf and the AssFables 61-64: The Monkey and the Cat; The Dogs and the Fox; The Dogs and the Hides; The Rabbit, the Weasel, and the CatFables 65-68: The Bear and the Bees; The Fox and the Leopard: The Heron; The Cock and the FoxFables 69-72: The Dog in the Manger; The Wolf and the Goat; The Ass and the Grasshoppers; The MuleFables 73-76: The Fox and the Goat; The Cat the Cock, and the Young Mouse; The Wolf and the Shepherd; The Peacock and the CraneFables 77-80: The Farmer and the Cranes; The Farmer and His Sons; The Two Pots; The Goose and the Golden EggFables 81-84: The Fighting Bulls and the Frog; The Mouse and the Weasel; The Farmer and the Snake; The Goatherd and the Wild GoatsFables 85-88: The Spendthrift and the Swallow; The Cat and the Birds; The Dog and the Oyster; The AstrologerFables 89-92: Three Bullocks and a Lion; Mercury and the Woodman; The Frog and the Mouse; The Fox and the CrabFables 93-96: The Serpent and the Eagle; The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing; The Bull and the Goat; The Eagle and the BeetleFables 97-100: The Old Lion and the Fox; The Man and the Lion; The Ass and the Lap Dog; The Milkmaid and Her PailFables 101-104: The Wolf and the Shepherd; The Goatherd and the Goat; The Miser; The Wolf and the House DogFables 105-108: The Fox and the Hedgehog; The Bat and the Weasels; The Quack Toad; The Fox Without a TailFables 109-112: The Mischievous Dog; The Rose and the Butterfly; The Cat and the Fox; The Boy and the NettlesFables 113-116: The Old Lion; The Fox and the Pheasants; Two Travelers and a Bear; The Porcupine and the SnakesFables 117-120: The Fox and the Monkey; The Mother and the Wolf; The Flies and the Honey; The Eagle and the KiteFables 121-124: The Stag, the Sheep, and the Wolf; The Animals and the Plague; The Shepherd and the Lion; The Dog and His ReflectionFables 125-128: The Hare and the Tortoise; The Bees and Wasps, and the Hornet; The Lark and Her Young Ones; The Cat and the Old RatFables 129-132: The Fox and the Crow; The Ass and His Shadow; The Miller, His Son, and the Ass; The Ant and the DoveFables 133-136: The Man and the Satyr; The Wolf, the Kid, and the Goat; The Swallow and the Crow; Jupiter and the MonkeyFables 137-140: The Lion, the Ass, and the Fox; The Lion's Share; The Mole and his Mother; The North Wind and the SunFables 141-144: The Hare and His Ears; The Wolves and the Sheep; The Fox and the Cock; The Ass in the Lion's SkinFables 145-146: The Fisherman and the Little Fish; The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle
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