Ancient - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 3
Parva Naturalia - Aristotle

Parva Naturalia - Aristotle
- Author: Aristotle
- Genre: Philosophy / Ancient
I - On Sensation and the Sensible II - On Memory and Recollection III - On Sleeping and Waking IV - On Dreams V - On Prophecy in Sleep VI - On Longevity and Shortness of Life VII - On Youth and Old Age, Life and Death VIII - On Respiration ( Summary...
On the Parts of Animals - Aristotle

On the Parts of Animals - Aristotle
- Author: Aristotle
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Ancient / Life Sciences
On the Parts of Animals (Greek: ΠΕΡΙ ΖΩΩΝ ΜΟΡΙΩΝ; Latin: De Partibus Animalium) by Aristotle (ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ). The first book asks whether animals were designed or came into existence by chance. The remaining three books focus on particular examples of...
Tusculan Disputations - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Tusculan Disputations - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Philosophy / Ancient
Tusculan Disputations (Latin: TUSCULANARUM DISPUTATIONUM) is divided into five books which discuss death, pain, grief, perturbations and virtue. At issue is whether wise people can always be happy regardless of the apparent evil that fortune throws...
On Duties - Marcus Tullius Cicero

On Duties - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Ancient
On Duties (Latin: DE OFFICIIS) discusses virtue, expediency and apparent conflicts between the two. St. Ambrose, St. Jerome and other Doctors of the Roman Catholic Church considered it to be legitimate for study. It was the second book after the...
The Ocean of Theosophy - William Q. JUDGE

The Ocean of Theosophy - William Q. JUDGE
- Author: William Q. JUDGE
- Genre: Ancient
Judge wrote this book because he saw a need for a book about Theosophy that everyone could understand. Discussed are after-death states, reincarnation, karma, the pitfalls of pseudo-occultism, the 7 natures of man, cyclic evolution, sages and...
Mundaka Upanishad - Unknown

Mundaka Upanishad - Unknown
- Author: Unknown
- Genre: Ancient
The word Upanishad (upa-ni-shad) consists of, "Upa" means "near;" "ni" means "down;" "shad" means "to sit." Thus, Upanishad is to sit down near the teacher to discuss, learn, practice, and experience. There are some 200 or more Upanishads. Some are...
Euthydemus - Plato

Euthydemus - Plato
- Author: Plato
- Genre: Ancient
Euthydemus (Εὐθύδημος) and Dionysodorus the sophists discuss the meaning of words with Socrates. (Summary by Geoffrey Edwards)...
On the Nature of Things (Leonard translation) - Titus Lucretius Carus

On the Nature of Things (Leonard translation) - Titus Lucretius Carus
- Author: Titus Lucretius Carus
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Poetry / Ancient
On the Nature of Things, written in the first century BCE by Titus Lucretius Carus, is one of the principle expositions on Epicurean philosophy and science to have survived from antiquity. Far from being a dry treatise on the many topics it covers,...
Politics - Aristotle

Politics - Aristotle
- Author: Aristotle
- Genre: Political Science / Ancient
The Politics, by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, is one of the most influential texts in political philosophy. In it, Aristotle explores the role that the political community should play in developing the virtue of its citizens. One of his...
Euthyphro - Plato

Euthyphro - Plato
- Author: Plato
- Genre: Ancient
Awaiting his trial on charges of impiety and heresy, Socrates encounters Euthyphro, a self-proclaimed authority on matters of piety and the will of the gods. Socrates, desiring instruction in these matters, converses with Euthyphro, but as usual,...
The Golden Sayings of Epictetus - EPICTETUS

The Golden Sayings of Epictetus - EPICTETUS
- Genre: Ancient
Aphorisms from the Stoic Greek....
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (Le Gallienne) - Version 2 - Omar Khayyám

Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (Le Gallienne) - Version 2 - Omar Khayyám
- Author: Omar Khayyám
- Genre: Poetry / Ancient
One of the greatest works of poetry in history, this lyric poem presents the deep feelings and emotions of the poet on subjects such as life, death, love, God and destiny. (Summary by Michael Armenta)...
Eudemian Ethics - Aristotle

Eudemian Ethics - Aristotle
- Author: Aristotle
- Genre: Ancient
Eudemian Ethics (Greek: ΗΘΙΚΩΝ ΕΥΔΗΜΙΩΝ Latin: ETHICA EUDEMIA) discusses topics including virtue, friendship, happiness and God. It is believed to have been written before Nicomachean Ethics and to be named after Eudemus of Rhodes. Books IV, V, and...
Aitreya-Aranyaka Upanishad - Unknown

Aitreya-Aranyaka Upanishad - Unknown
- Author: Unknown
- Genre: Ancient
The word Upanishad (upa-ni-shad) consists of, "Upa" means "near;" "ni" means "down;" "shad" means "to sit." Thus, Upanishad is to sit down near the teacher to discuss, learn, practice, and experience. There are some 200 or more Upanishads. Some are...
The Characters Of Theophrastus - THEOPHRASTUS

The Characters Of Theophrastus - THEOPHRASTUS
- Genre: Psychology / Ancient
Theophrastus ( c. 371 – c. 287 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher, successor to Aristotle in the Peripatetic School. He wrote on many topics: biology, geology, physics, metaphysics, psychology, ethics, logic – and more. His book Characters…...
The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Book VI - Diogenes LAERTIUS

The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Book VI - Diogenes LAERTIUS
- Author: Diogenes LAERTIUS
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Ancient
There are 10 divisions in this title. This project is a recording of book 6. There is a number of interesting anecdotes on the lives of Antisthenes, Diogenes of Sinope, Monimus, Onesicritus, Crates of Thebes, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus and...
The Lives of the Ancient Philosophers - François FÉNELON

The Lives of the Ancient Philosophers - François FÉNELON
- Author: François FÉNELON
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Ancient
François Fénelon became a priest in 1675, Archbishop of Paris in 1679, was spiritual advisor to Madame Guyon, and was appointed tutor to Louis, Duke of Burgundy (1682-1712) by Louis XIV in 1689. He wrote Dialogues of the Dead, and The Lives of the...
Eryxias - Plato

Eryxias - Plato
- Author: Plato
- Genre: Business & Economics / Ancient
Eryxias (ΕΡΥΞΙΑΣ) may not have been written by Plato (ΠΛΑΤΩΝ). The dialogue discusses whether wealth has value and what the aim of philosophy should be. (Summary by Geoffrey Edwards)...
Meno - Plato

Meno - Plato
- Author: Plato
- Genre: Ancient
Meno (Ancient Greek: Μένων) is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato. Written in the Socratic dialectic style, it attempts to determine the definition of virtue, or arete, meaning in this case virtue in general, rather than particular virtues, such...
Enneads - PLOTINUS

Enneads - PLOTINUS
- Author: PLOTINUS
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Ancient
The six Enneads (ΕΝΝΕΑΔΕΣ) are the collected writings of the Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus (ΠΛΩΤΙΝΟΣ) arranged by his student Porphyry (ΠΟΡΦΥΡΙΟΣ) into fifty-four books with each Ennead containing nine. The translator Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie...